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Changing table attributes

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    Changing table attributes

    I've a few general design questions.

    1. How do I change table alignments, cell padding etc - I'm using Catalog v 6.1.3? Do I need to do this manually by changing html code in the scripts or do I change a setting somewhere.

    2. If I want the page to be a fixed width aligned in the centre of the window (or any other option other than fully expandable), do I manually change the html or is there an option for page alignment somewhere.

    3. I've used clean layout 13 as my base. I need to put an image on the navigation bar line as well as the buttons. If do this as a background image, it isn't included on a screen print. How can I have the background image included in the screen print. Alternatively, how can I include images alongside the navigation buttons. (Hope this makes sense)

    1. How do I change table alignments, cell padding etc - I'm using Catalog v 6.1.3? Do I need to do this manually by changing html code in the scripts or do I change a setting somewhere.
    There are a lot of tables in Actinic. The main tables that arrange the layout of the clean layouts are in the overall layout templates (Act_Primary.html and Act_BrcohurePrimary.html). You can access these via 'Design Options | Layouts' and ''Design Options | Brochure' respectively.

    The table that all your products are laid out in is in 'Act_ProductBody.html'.

    I suggest getting the 'Designing with Actinic Developer' guide as this talks about how to edit overall layout templates.
    2. If I want the page to be a fixed width aligned in the centre of the window (or any other option other than fully expandable), do I manually change the html or is there an option for page alignment somewhere.
    The tables are in the overall layout templates. At the moment, the width of all the tables is "100%". You need to change this to however wide you want your store to be.
    3. I've used clean layout 13 as my base. I need to put an image on the navigation bar line as well as the buttons. If do this as a background image, it isn't included on a screen print. How can I have the background image included in the screen print. Alternatively, how can I include images alongside the navigation buttons. (Hope this makes sense)
    Insert an image next to NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTERGUIDE in your store overall layout template (normally Act_Primary.html).

