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What will the client need?

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    What will the client need?

    Hi - have finished a client's site - all they require is the order download facility.

    What should I load on to their PC so that I can still upload new pages as required?

    (Apologies if this is in the knowledge base.....)

    Best - James
    James Gladwin

    If you have developed the site within Developer, then you will need to get them Order Manager to the same version # as you have.

    If it is a case of you are using the software for their site, say Catalog, then install it onto their machine, and ensure that you assign the settings within its config so that they can not play with the site etc and only conducts order downloads and fullfilments. The licence for Cat/Bus allows for one machine to conduct maintenance and another machine to conduct order downloads...

    Hope this helps....



      for that - exactly the info I needed.

      Best - James
      James Gladwin


        Configuring client Actinic

        Hmm - doI "limit" the client's access to downloading orders when I install on their PC? I can't seem to find the settings on my (registered) copy....

        Best - James
        James Gladwin


          If your customer has Order Manager, then all upload functionality is automatically disabled.

          If your customer has Catalog, then you need to edit the settings under 'Allow on this PC' in 'Business Settings | Options'. Un-tick everything apart from 'Order Processing'.

