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Search engins

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    Search engins

    is there a way (a CODE???) where the SEARCH ENGINS pick up the model numbers of all my products??
    If no code, how can i achive this???
    For example, i want to come up when someone in the yahoo search looks for model P5121-16

    I have many products. how do i make it so that search engins pick it up?


    In this case the 'model number' is what is called a 'keyword' in search engine optimisation (SEO).

    Read through these forums and also check out webmasterworld and any of the many SEO forums for more details.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      I was hoping not to put model numbers as keywords, since there are so many of them.
      Is there a way that I can creat a Page that includes all the model numbers and have the search engins pick it up? and use this code so it is hidden from my customers?

      !!<<noscript>all products</noscript>>!!


        Actinic is good for this as it generates static HTML pages that can be easily indexed by a search engine.

        If your "model number" is visible on your generated web-site then search engines will be able to index it. So you should either show that information as part of the product name / description or, alternatively use it as the Product Reference (see View / Business Settings / Options).

        From then on it's a matter of getting the various search engines to look at your site. And Mike's post above will help.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          If I want all the model numbers of my prodcuts be picked up by the search engins, so when someone for exp: in yahoo, searches for sps-500 (which is 1 of my products), what is the best way to achive this, besides putting the model numbers in the Mets Tags?

          In "business settings, options, misellaneous options: do i check that box or leave it unchecked?


            Norman has given you the solution

            If your "model number" is visible on your generated web-site then search engines will be able to index it. So you should either show that information as part of the product name / description or, alternatively use it as the Product Reference (see View / Business Settings / Options).
            search engineswill pick up your model numbers from the body text of the page

            Very few engines read meta tags so this is not the way to optimise


              Most search engines will treat the '-' as a word separator. Not good to search on model numbers with a '-' in it.
              Bob Ladden


                Bob has something there.

                In my massive one site test, I tried searching Google for abc-123 and it seems to show up sites containing abc 123 as well as some that only contain abc-123. So it seems like Google indeed treats a hyphen as a space. I got a pretty big list as treating a hyphen as a space will return those sites containing abc and 123, not necessarily near each other.

                Interestingly searching for "abc-123" with the quotes returns a much smaller list (only abc-123 and abc<single space>123).

                So your hyphenated part numbers will be found through Google but there will be extra results for the sub-bits. Lets hope the proximity of the keywords counts to help bring your part numbers to near the top.

                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

