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Payment Service Providers not updating

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    Payment Service Providers not updating

    OK... I know I'm several years out of date, I gave up on Protx and stuck solely to Paypal after a complete inability to get around the problem of Protx not redirecting properly after a transaction. Anyway I'm back to trying to fix the bloody thing and get Protx up and running again. Problem is that changing the relevant scripts a la this post - are NOT doing a damn thing. I'm not getting a message on opening Actinic that my Payment Service Providers have changed and a quick check on doing changing the 'You can put your own message in here' line as in this thread - - is NOT changing the line (further suggesting that the scripts I'm editing are NOT the ones running my protx/sagepay integration).

    Ummmm... could anyone help please? Any suggestions would be most appreciated . I'm editing them in the directories stated on posts.

    I'm in v7.07.
    Once upon a time, in the dim and distant past, protx worked just fine...

    Anyone know how to get rid of a sagepay account? Anyone tried Actinic Payments? Are they any good?

    Or if someone could possibly tell me which template CALLS the scripts I can see if, at some point in the dim and distant past I've done something stupid like change the filename being called and saved a copy of the script somewhere else... I can't honestly think of any reason I'd have done that but its the only thing I can think of I do, sadly, learn what I need, when I need it and instantly forget it once things are running . Which ain't the best way to go about changing code, I know.

    OK... for posterity this is fixed - I incremented the number in the OCCUpgrade.ini file by 1000 (rather than by 1) on the thought that the ONLY reason I could come up for actinic not updating was that it didn't know it had been updated - ie the count had got screwed somewhere.

    Seems to have fixed it.


      To get out of a SagePay contract you pay three months fees upfront, and your account is closed at the end of that time.

      It operates normally in the interim.

      We've switched to AP from SagePay/Protx as our backup PSP. Works fine.
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        Thanks for that. I'm cautiously optimistic that Sage Pay is now doing the job properly again and if thats the case, I'll stick with it - it's worked fine on my other (j-shop) site for years and HAD worked fine on this one for years.

