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Need space reduction

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    Need space reduction

    Hi everyone,

    Now onto the second actinic site and coming up against a brick wall straight away. I have a lot of space between the nav bar and the product body template (please see image).

    I've done a test by adding a block of colour and have searched through the templates looking for the answer

    If anybody knows the solution or a link to another relevant thread to help me with this I'd be very grateful.


    Attached Files

    Lee Jackson
    Creative Director

    Centurius Design & Marketing
    Centurius Website
    Portfolio of Work

    This was discussed a short while ago. There is another thread on this, but basically there is a <br> tag to remove from one of the templates.


      I've tried everything that was mentioned in that previous thread however there does not seem to be any change in moving the block of colour any further up the page.

      Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

      Lee Jackson
      Creative Director

      Centurius Design & Marketing
      Centurius Website
      Portfolio of Work


        How are you creating the colour?

        There was definatly a <BR> in my Act_Product Body going spare...


          the colour is an image that I have placed within a table at the top of my Act_ProductBody template.

          I have just been modifying my Act_BRochure Primary template also and the space seems to be there as well.

          I understand the principle for the login space however I'm sure it can be removed as I'm basing the shape of the site similar to

          Could it be the template that Im using?

          Lee Jackson
          Creative Director

          Centurius Design & Marketing
          Centurius Website
          Portfolio of Work


            The <br>s will be in Act_Primary.html between NETQUOTEVAR:FORMBEGIN and NETQUOTEVAR:BULK.

            For example, there are two <br>s after NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERTEXT (you can remove NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERTEXT if you don't want to use header text) and also one after <Actinic:LOGOUT_SIMPLE/>.


              thanks to everyone who posted a reply. I found the cheeky little <br>'s before and everything is now looking how I need it.

              Thanks again.

              Lee Jackson
              Creative Director

              Centurius Design & Marketing
              Centurius Website
              Portfolio of Work

