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shipping costs - international

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    shipping costs - international

    hi there,

    i am a little stuck in working out how to set my international postage costs. I want to offer free shipping, only in uk for items over £50 and £6 if under, but for international shipping have a seperate charge for each zone, but some countries in the actinic checkout i cant deliver to.

    at the moment i ship to the uk free over £50 and £6 under £50. so i have checked 'free over' in the shipping box and entered £50. then in the order value and cost box i have entered costs from £5 to £50, incrementing in £5 value to all equal to £6. I have attatched a screen shot of the settings as they are now.

    But the problem here is, if someone from a different country than the uk come to buy, then i have the problem that these costs apply to them too! any ideas how to get around this and set it right???.....

    any help would be greatly appreciated...thanks
    Attached Files
    Thanks for all help everyone!!

    Hi Anil

    If you check the 'free over' box, this will be for all zones/classes. If you're shipping by order value you can set up the limit for just one zone/class within the shipping table. See the attached image for an example.

    Attached Files
    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      uk done...what about internatioanl

      thanks ben,

      thats great, ok, done uk, now what do i do for all the other countries? you know when you the drop down menu in the checkout for what countries you deliver to, they have a massive list of countries, now do i need one of these for each country? so then i customise it, it will probably take me all week....any ideas anyone?

      thanks again
      Thanks for all help everyone!!


        You could create a single shipping zone called 'International'. Right-click on this new zone and select 'Properties' then add all countries that you ship to (other than the United Kingdom) into this shipping zone. You can then create a shipping class for this 'International' zone in the same way as Ben described for the UK zone.

        The countries that you do not add into the 'International' zone will be handled by the rules you specify in the 'If Shipping Band Not Defined' area.


          what about more zones?

          my courier has many zones, 8 or so, do i just add in different zones, and call them zone 1-8, for instance, and add my countries in here, if i do this, will my customers be able to see this?

          Also i i have 2 types of international shipping, i.e. land mail and air mail, at different prices, how will the customer be able to choose from these, i mean will i just do two for each zone, i.e. one land, and one air? what do you think i should do in this case?

          again, thanks all for the help,

          Thanks for all help everyone!!


            I find it easier to understand if the shipping bands are defined by zone because the zone carries the countries in its properties and the list of classes in each zone are what the customer sees if they select a destination country that is listed in that zone's properties. So therefore, I would advise setting up the zones for the countries that you ship to and then creating classes based on various couriers' rates. Then a customer will see a selection of courier rates that you will see as the rates for a certain order (the customer's order) value in various classes of the zone that the customers destination country is part of (phew!).
            Ben Popplestone
            Ecommerce website software


              will give it a try

              thats great, thanks for all your help, i will give it a try, i may be watch this spot.....appreciated
              Thanks for all help everyone!!



                how do i set just one price in a box

                hi there,

                i knew i'd be back...last question, i think, how do i just set on price in a zone, do i still need to do two boxes, like described above or can i just do 1? what can i write on the line, under order value and cost? i want a set sat £30 for the whole group....any ideas?

                Thanks for all help everyone!!



                  problem encountered

                  while doing the above, putting countries in different zones, i came to see that different services, by same courier, put same countries into different zones! i.e belgium by land is zone 3, but by air is zone 6! so any idea how to set out the inferstructure of the settings, i can see that there are two ways i can set it in actinic, there are two areas, by zone and by class.

                  if i do it by zone, i cant set different classes as sub groups, as countries fall into different groups for different types of shipping as described above.

                  If i do it by class, then do i need to make 2 classes, one by road and one by air. and then put all the zones under each one? i thibnk this way makes more sense.......i know this is thinking too far, but would i have the uk one in a seperate catogory?

                  please help........

                  Thanks for all help everyone!!



                    how do i just set on price in a zone, do i still need to do two boxes, like described above or can i just do 1? what can i write on the line, under order value and cost?
                    You can set the price to be £30 by entering an arbitrary order value with £30 in the Cost column and then selecting 'Take highest value in the table' for the Excess calculation.

                    If your couriers use zones that are incongruous regarding the countries in each one, you could set up a zone in Actinic for each courier zone, but this would leave you with lots of zones. It would probably be easier to sort it by Class.
                    Ben Popplestone
                    Ecommerce website software


                      thats great...thanks

                      thats great,

                      i think ive got it, thanks again for your help!
                      Thanks for all help everyone!!


