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No CommonOCC folder??

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    No CommonOCC folder??

    Hi All

    I am trying to make an amendment to the PostPayPal.fil file, to correct a Paypal notification problem, as per this thread

    The file should be located in the CommonOCC folder within Site1, but it is not there. Instead I have a NOT_CATALOG folder.

    I know this is something to do with the fact that I moved the site from one PC to another, which disrupted the image paths within the catalog. These image paths are now correct.

    I have tried deleting Paypal as a payment method, and re-adding it, to see if it would regenerate the folder and files but no luck. I have also tried refreshing the website but again, no luck.

    The file must exist, but a scan of the entire Site1 folder and its subfolders isnt revealing anything.

    Site is

    Any ideas?

    What operating system are you using and which version of Actinic?
    Have you checked the rest of your PC for other Site1 folders or to see if the CommonOCC is elsewhere?

    Generally with v7 the path to the CommonOCC folder is: C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC

    Otherwise backup then create the CommonOCC folder and place the attached file in it, update it according to the other post and upload the site.
    Attached Files


      Thank you very much, thats a big help. Will test and report back

