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Site check - urgent help please

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    Site check - urgent help please

    Hi - have f-i-n-a-l-l-y been able to upload a shop to a test site on

    Everything works fine off line, but if you try to enter the shop on-line,you can't.

    Any ideas? I have to meet the client this afternoon so would appreciate quick anbd dirty input.

    Best - James
    James Gladwin

    Your problem is that your CGI is set up incorrectly.

    None of your CGI pages are working.

    You should get in touch with your ISP and get them to tell you what settings you need.
    Tim Brown


      Hmm - how come it uploaded ok after configuration

      Thanks - but how come it configured ok and I've received settings that tie in with those for Fasthost linus servers?

      (I've noticed that the Actinic CD cover says "quick and easy to use" - phew - not if you step outside the templates, it itsn't!!)

      Suggestions, please - Best - James
      James Gladwin


        What are your Network Settings?
        Tim Brown


          Hi - I've just run Network Setup > Test and had a successful response - email sent.

          I can email settings, but they appear to be correct (at last!)

          - James
          James Gladwin


            Well then by process of elimination your problem must be with your server not your settings.

            Have you tried a complete site refresh including deleting all files held on server?

            Failing that ring actinic support. If your settings are right and you have tried all the usual help things they are entitled to help you.
            Tim Brown


              Hi James

              The permission have not been set for your shop, that why you are getting 500 Internal server error. This is not to do with changing the templates.

              Also with regards to Fasthost Linux server, they have taken away the ability to change permission via CHMOD.
              Now Fasthost linux customer have to use a program called PuTTY to change permission. I'm afraid you will need to do this James.

              To be honest, myself in Technical Support, have had a lot of calls regarding the same issue, and it has alway been down to permission not been set up correctly. Also now actinic cannot change the permission as you need to do this in PuTTY, which Actinic does not recognise.

              Attach to this post is a .pdf, that was given to me, by one of our clients. It taken from the extreme support for fasthost and advises you how to change permissions.

              Kind Regards
              Attached Files
              Nadeem Rasool
              SellerDeck Development


                Thanks, Nadeem. Well - you always learn something! I think I'm stick (for this site) with the server.... I'll forward the Putty file.

                Best - James
                James Gladwin

