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Paypal Payment Notifications not getting to server

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    Paypal Payment Notifications not getting to server

    ear Stephanie Hall,

    Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). Instant Payment Notifications sent to the following URL(s) are failing:

    OK.... where is something wrong and how do I fix it please? I know I fiddled with some stuff when I was trying to get SagePay working again but I don't know WHAT or what things SHOULD look like. And my head is going to explode, I'm just preparing for a (hopefully) mega busy Christmas season and I don't have any blinkin time to go through the painfully slow process of fixing the damn thing. If ANYONE could help I would appreciate it. Muchly greatly and vastly.

    Have a good Christmas*.


    * Am I really saying this in September?

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thankyou ) Just about to test that.

      I'm actually late getting the christmas stuff ready, should have been last month. Trouble with retailing gifty type stuff is you need it all ready to go for the entire season by mid September - because you aren't going to have time for anything other than selling, packing, mailing once October kicks in.


        OK, done and tested

        On the plus side, I am now receiving payment authorisation notifications

        On the downside, I'm redirecting to the error page A General Script Error Occurred
        Error: Your shopping cart has expired, orders must be completed within 336 hours or they will be automatically cancelled.Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner

        after payment instead of to an order summary.

        That particular error page is what finally made me ditch SagePay. I KNOW I've already jumped through every hoop out there trying to fix it and it didn't work for SagePay.

        So ideas are appreciated. I will double check what's been posted for this error


          And I can't fix it. Which means I'm back to the horribly unprofessional position of having my customers going to a 'your cart has expired' page after payment and endless emails asking about orders. Damn but I don't need this right now. Given money and time I'd upgrade to a more recent version of actinic in which I gather payment provision tends to work flawlessly, sadly I have neither to invest in replacing the damn website.


            That's not so good. Let's see if we can fix it for once and for all.

            Can you export your network settings and then copy / paste them into the forum. Then overwrite the username and password.

            Also who is your host?


            PS. That return link at the top of this thread has no www. but your home button does. This is most likely the cause of the problem as the cookie won't be visible. Hence the need to see the network setup.

            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Mike - ty

              If its that - where do I fix it please? And 1and1 but the site has been there for years - V7 and before that V6 without issue until this year.

              HTTPPROXYMODE 0
              HTTPPROXYPORT 80
              FTPPROXYMODE 0
              FTPPROXYPORT 21
              SCRIPTID 2
              SCRIPTEXT .pl
              IGNOREPASSIVEERRORS true
              USERELATIVECGIURLS true
              PATHTOPERL perl5
              USEENHANCEFTP true
              FTPCLIENTTIMEOUT 15000
              FTPRETRYDELAY 3000
              FTPSILENT false
              FTPMAXRETRIES 3
              FTPCONNECTTIMEOUT 25000
              SMTPAUTHREQUIRED false
              SMTPPASSWORD ***********
              PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /homepages/46/d207513929/htdocs/acatalog/
              CODEBASE ./acatalog/
              FTPHOST ****************
              FTPUSERNAME **********
              FTPPASSWORD ***********
              PATHTOCGIBIN /cgi-bin/
              USEPASSIVEFTP true
              FTPPATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /acatalog/


                This looks odd:
                PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG /homepages/46/d207513929/htdocs/acatalog/

                I would expect that to be:
                PATHFROMCGITOCATALOG ../acatalog/


                  It all tests OK when I test network settings. I do remember (very vaguely - this was years ago) the path to cgi needing to be a bit odd but I can try it as ../acatalog/ and see if it makes any difference


                    I use 1and1 servers and always use ../acatalog/. Try it and do a network test. This is definitely one of the things that is causing you a problem.


                      Hi Duncan

                      OK I've changed that and the network tests fine.

                      Do I need to add 'www' to my URLs in the network setup ref your comment 'PS. That return link at the top of this thread has no www. but your home button does. This is most likely the cause of the problem as the cookie won't be visible. Hence the need to see the network setup. '


                        I would recommend you always add www into URLs in the network setup. Add them in - do another network test then uplaod and check it all out.


                          It works!

                          I'm a little worried - I know when I finally got Sagepay working it reverted back to the error page after a couple of transactions but fingers crossed it won't here. Thankyou so much everyone who has helped me sort this out. Its a massive stress reduction.

