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    Another Stupid question but I have tried everything in actinic to get to work....

    What I would like to do is have three shipping charges, one for UK one for Europe and One for Other countries. I have tried creating new zones and charges to reflect these but it wont work.

    Please help with step by step ins what I need to do.
    Attached Files

    Hi Darren.

    Looking at the way you have your shipping for 'Other Countries' - the amount in your 'Order Value' column is set to £0.00 and you have the 'Excess' set to 'Do not allow Excess'. So basically, you are saying that for orders up to £0.00 the cost is £20.00 for shipping and anything more than that is not allowed. Now, I am guessing that you do not give your goods away for free so you can do one of two things here:

    1. Put in a huge order value amount as this is for orders up to a specific value


    2. You can set the 'Excess' to 'Take the highest value in the table' - so that for any order value amount it will use the £20.00 shipping charge that you have set.

    You will need to make sure that you do the same for the other shipping zones you have set up.

    I hope this helps.


      Hi Tracey,

      Thanks for your help....

      When I tried the various combinations it did not work for me. I believe you have my ACD backup there, Can you try on my version of actinic as one mine I get a variable message... Cant show you now.


        Hi Darren,

        I have tried out option 2 on the UK zone and it added £20.00 to the order for shipping.

        If you want to test it yourself you could try setting your pc up as a server by following the instructions in our Advanced User Guide (downloadable from here or you could get 30-day free hosting from here.


          Hi Tracey,

          The problem I have is that I want to have three costs. If the user selects Uk they are charged £5.60, If the select Europe they are charged £10 and other countries they are charged £20.00. When I tried this on my actinic I was unable to get a selection for the user to choice whether they were Euope, UK or other countries? Did that work for you?


            Hi Darren,

            Yes, it works for me. Have you listed the countries available in the zones, ie right-click on the EU zone and select properties - are the EU countries listed in the members box?



              So I have to assign every country to either europe or other countries. There are so many and I dont know every country in Europe.... But is that how it works... I thought I could get away with just adding the zones didnt reaslise I would have to assign a country to every zone... That will take for ever


                Hi Darren,

                You could just set up a zone for UK and EU and then for everyone else, just set the 'If Shipping Band Not Defined' option to 'Use Default Charge' and specify the charge. That way you don't have to add every country to a list.

                There are 15 members of the EU. They are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. To keep up-to-date on this visit here.


                  Thanks Tracey....

                  As helpful as ever.... Much appreciated


                    Hi Tracey, Done what you said and everything is working ok... Except I see this message when in checkout and where it tells you the service class
                    Attached Files


                      Hi Darren,

                      You need to replace one of your templates. Open 'Windows Explorer' and browse to the following directory:

                      'c:\program files\actinic ecommerce v6\format\themes\BusinessCSS\ShipControl'

                      Copy the Act_ShippingSelectTemplate.html and paste it into the ShipControl folder in your site folder (usually Site1) and replace the one that is already there. Update your site and the NQV will be replaced for the correct prompt.

