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Problems Importing CSV File

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    Problems Importing CSV File

    Hi All,

    Sorry if I've posted this in the wrong area, I'm new on here so hope its in the right place!!

    I was hoping someone might be able to help me with importing a flat csv file. Its all working fine but it keeps creating new categories on the website rather than using existing ones. I am matching the exact path of the existing categories using a | to seperate the categories......

    Any help would be very much appreciated!


    Can you post a few lines of your import file?


      I cant at the mo as I'm at work but will try and get something up here later....


        Help still needed!!

        Hi Again,

        I hope I have now managed to attach a zip file with a sample of the csv upload flat file which I am having a problem with.

        Any help/advice would be much appreciated!

        Attached Files


          There are a number of errors in the file.
          1. The column header in column AC:
          'Use External Data
          Actinic Business/ Designer Only.'
          has a line feed/carriage return in it.
          2. The 'Image Filename' in column R is invalid - it is 0 (needs to be a valid image file type)
          3. The 'Minimum Quantity Orderable' needs to be defined and at least 1

          Also make sure you have 'Auto Generate Product References' unchecked.
          Additionally, remember that you can delete all fields that are not used - defaults will be used.

          A working version of your file is attached that works fine and doesn't duplicate any sections or products.
          Attached Files


            Great, thanks v much - will give that a go!!



              Another problem is that Section Text column has spaces either side of the delimeter

              you have " | "

              I think it should be "|"

              which is why it is creating new sections.
              Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
              SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
              Based in rural Northants


                Hi guys,

                Tried the new upload file and also with no spaces either side of the delimiter and its still creating new sections and I cant understand why....

                I have checked the spelling of the section over and over and matched the case format etc any other ideas??

                Thanks for the help...



                  Did you try the file I attached above as a test?

