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Online Payment Processing

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    Online Payment Processing


    I currently use Worldpay for my payment processing and they’re alright, but I’m always acutely aware that the shopper is very much leaving my site & visiting another for the payment.

    I’m not bothered about the technicalities of handing off a customer to another site for the payment, but I’d rather the site visually remained like my own. Worldpay have a strong branding strategy for themselves that they want to maintain for their own reasons.

    So, I was wondering who provides the best set of tools for customising the payment pages of their service so that visually it can appear as part of my own site?
    Martin Cutbill

    Amazingly using Actinic to sell Absinthe since V2

    Secpay allow you to customise the look and feel of the payment page. I don't Know about the others such as protx.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Protx allow you to customise the page that you hit their server on to look like yours and also the page which confirms that transaction has bee made

      The only page which they don't allow you to customise is the one which says 'Payment succesful, click here to return to the cart'

      Incidentally Protx will probably also work out significantly cheaper than Worldpay as a provider becuase their sole charge is £20 per month for up to 1000 transactions per quarter. There are no set up fees or maintenance fees.


      Jos Medinger

      Jos Medinger

      Tel : 01978 843 962
      Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO


        You can customise your worldpay pages - I don't know how because my worldpay partner did this for me as part of the setup service (Nick Cook from Hazelnet) but you can definately do this. I don't know whether you can also customise the emails but Nick would know.

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          When you log into your Worldpay account, at the bottom of the page with the Installations is the option Payment Page Editor


            I know you can do a bit with Worldpay, but not much, just text colours & a bit with the header image etc.

            I was looking more to the my page with the payment provider's logo, rather than the payment provider's page with my logo!
            Martin Cutbill

            Amazingly using Actinic to sell Absinthe since V2


              in which case the answer is probably no


                Incidentally Protx will probably also work out significantly cheaper than Worldpay as a provider becuase their sole charge is £20 per month for up to 1000 transactions per quarter. There are no set up fees or maintenance fees.
                You can only use Protx if you have a merchant account. The majority of people who use Worldpay don't have a merchant account which is why they use them


                  Secpay will allow to do a full customisation of their page. You just have to keep the form bits they give you.

                  They now some pretty good documentation on this on their web site.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Secpay will allow to do a full customisation of their page. You just have to keep the form bits they give you.
                    That sounds more like it!
                    You can only use Protx if you have a merchant account. The majority of people who use Worldpay don't have a merchant account which is why they use them
                    I started using worldpay because all these other options weren't around when we started! The merchant account isn't a problem.
                    Martin Cutbill

                    Amazingly using Actinic to sell Absinthe since V2


                      I think the look and feel of your actual store really makes or breaks it for the WorldPay integration. The Payment Page Editor does allow full font style, size and colour changes and you can add header and footer html. So in effect if you only used a header and footer template on your store it could look the same. This seems the only solution for myself and thankfully I haven't designed my Web site yet. However for those who already have a strict look and feel WorldPay could proove a real nightmare.


                        The standard WorldPay customisation features that have been described apply to the limited changes that one can do to their default pages using the Payment Page Editor. These are the pages that are automatically changed by WorldPay to incorporate changes and improvements, e.g. when they add in something like MPay or other new payment options.

                        However, they do also provide the facility to edit the Payment Page Installation Files to achieve more control. You download templates that you can edit as required. Your pages can then be uploaded to WorldPay and set to be used in place of the default pages.

                        But be warned - it will then be your responsibility to ensure that they work fully and that you incorporate changes that WorldPay introduce from time to time.

                        To find out more go to and click on the customising guide.

                        Tim Weaver
                        Consultancy, Innovation & Solutions



                          Guess what: as of 05:21 18/12/03 WorldPay is down yet again

                          Hmmm...bout as much use as mudflaps on a Tortoise....

