I am using Actinic V4 with ePayments - works fine.
However, to accept Paypal I want to use my Secpay template/pl file as this is already built into it and works fine when you have Secpay selected as the payment provider (which I don't want - accept for Paypal!).
The code from the Secpay OCC Template for the Paypal part which I have inserted into ePayments template is as follows:
I am getting an error when the button is clicked even when I copy the pl script into a known location
How do I link to another pl script from here if indeed I can? I have ended the existing cart scripts with </form>, do I need to restart these after the Paypal code?
An alternative I guess would be to link to the actual Secpay template first before clicking the Paypal button, but I am having the same problem trying to display the html template. Is there a special way to link to it? Is the Secpay template even uploaded when it is not the selected provider?
Any help would be dearly appreciated.
However, to accept Paypal I want to use my Secpay template/pl file as this is already built into it and works fine when you have Secpay selected as the payment provider (which I don't want - accept for Paypal!).
The code from the Secpay OCC Template for the Paypal part which I have inserted into ePayments template is as follows:
<!-- Use Secpay pl script to pay with Paypal --> <form name="formpaypal" method="post" action="OCCSecPayScriptTemplate.pl"> <input type="hidden" name="paypal_transaction" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="backcallback" value="http://www.domain.com/acatalog/72.html"> <input type="hidden" name="paypal_confirm_template" value="http://www.domain.com/paypal_confirmation_page.htm"> <input type="hidden" name="cb_post" value="true"> <input type="hidden" name="auth_code" value="123456"> NETQUOTEVAR:OCC_VALUES <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="0" WIDTH="600"> <TR><TD ALIGN=CENTER> <input type="submit" name="submit2" value="Make Payment with Paypal"><p> <input src="http://www.domain.com/images/logo_paypal_transact.gif" style="border:none" type="image"/></p> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </form>
How do I link to another pl script from here if indeed I can? I have ended the existing cart scripts with </form>, do I need to restart these after the Paypal code?
An alternative I guess would be to link to the actual Secpay template first before clicking the Paypal button, but I am having the same problem trying to display the html template. Is there a special way to link to it? Is the Secpay template even uploaded when it is not the selected provider?
Any help would be dearly appreciated.