I'm only allowing current customers to view and purchase online. My problem is signing up customers with a registration form. I need one that will allow: Customer to fill out online then submit....this form would come to me for approval......it then can be uploaded to the site.....is there a program that will allow for this.....thanks Brad
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Customer Registration Form
I'd take a look at your web-site hosting providers help files as they will probably have scripts available that will do just that. Look for something like cgi-scripts of form emailer. There usually are worked examples so it should be easy to set-up.
In the unlikely event they don't have such scripts then search the web for FormMail.pl (it's from Matts Script Archives - I can't remember the address) which is one of the well known scripts that do this. It's written in Perl so will, of course work on your server as that's the language of the Actinic scripts.
NormanNorman - www.drillpine.biz
Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey
Hi Brad
I use FormMail that Norman suggests with good results. See Newsletter Signup for how it can be done. The URL to download the script, if it's not already "factory installed" by your ISP is http://www.scriptarchive.com/formmail.html . Please make certain you have version 1.91 or later installed. There were some big security loopholes in the older versions that were fixed in 1.91.
Also rename the script something besides FormMail as you have spammer all over the world that would have a field day if they found an open mail relay on somebody elses server. You don't NEED to pay for the spammers transfer as well as your own!
Hidden Valley Hibiscus
The MSA FormMail is out of date, and even Matt himself says that it shouldn't be used due to the age of the code and thus the potential for bugs.
The current popular alternative is nms formmail, which can be obtained from http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/
I like nms formmail because it allows you to hard-code the email address into the script, making it totally impossible for emial harvesters to get the address.
Actually Allen
You can hardcode your email address into the FormMail too. All you need to do is to is go to sub parse_form and find %Config and put your address in the email blank like this: 'email','me@mysite.com', which will direct all responses to that particular address. Note that this would override any individual form settings, in other words, all responses would go to 'me@mysite.com'. The drawback is of course that this would limit the recipients of the form to one.
Btw, you can download the nms form mailer from Matts Script Archive also. Whether it's a better mail program or not, well, if something works why fix it?
Hidden Valley Hibiscus
The current popular alternative is nms formmail, which can be obtained from http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/
I know a lot of people here use Pinbrook, so does anyone know where to find 'sendmail'? (I'm assuming pinbrook doesn't provide support on Sundays)