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error on page on checkout page please help

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    error on page on checkout page please help


    I am having a problem with this site:

    when you click buy on a product then press the checkout button it takes you to the secure page but there is a 'page done but with errors' message in the btm left hand corner.

    I also know that two people got a message saying please use your back button or something similar

    orders are coming through successfully so could this be specific to their computer settings? and can the error in the bottom left be explained?

    Any help appreciated...

    I don't think your shared ssl can find actiniccore.js or actinicextras.js. I don't use shared SSL so I don't know how to configure it, but there are many experts here.
    Bob Ladden


      Spot on Bob

      If you view the source of the page, you will see a 'BASE HREF' tag that points to:

      <BASE HREF="">

      This is the location that the online scripts are looking in to find the actinic.css file (the style sheet that does the fonts) and the two *.js files (the lack of which is causing your error).

      My suggestion is to either

      a) Find the location mentioned in the URL above (you may even have to create it) and manually copy the files mentioned above into it via FTP.

      b) Change the 'Catalog URL' within the 'SSL URLs' tab in 'Advanced | Network Setup' to the correct https URL for the standard 'acatalog' folder that your store pages are within.

