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Stock Control Problem

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    Stock Control Problem


    I am using V5. I have stock monitoring selected and have entered stock quantities for each product.

    I am experiencing a problem where people are able to order more than I have in stock. i.e panda bear I have two pandas in stock but you are able to add 3 to the cart.

    Help Greatly appreciated.

    Hi Sarah

    If you go to the Stock tab within the Panda Bear product, you can set 'Suspend orders if below' to 1.

    If the stock level drops below the value in this field then catalog issues a stock suspend message as the order is downloaded. The an 'Out of Stock' message will be displayed.

    Hope that helps you


      Hello sorry I should have said my global stock suspend level is set to 1.


        There isnt really a way round this, as the stock levels are not real time, they are only updated when you download the orders.

        One way around this could be to display the stock level on the site.

        To do this, you need to edit the Act_Productline.html template, and if you insert 'NETQOUTEVAR:STOCKLEVEL' near to the product price then the buyer could see how many are left in stock, i.e 26.

        You could put text around this netqoutevar so it could say some thing like 'We have 26 left in stock'

        Hope that helps


          One thing you could try is to set the maximum that can be ordered to your existing stock level and download and upload regularly. Each time you sell an item simply reduce the maximum that can be ordered (or even keep the numbers out of sync by 1 so you have a safety net) to your new lower stock level. Each time you add new stock adjust the figures appropriately.

          I hope this helps.
          Paul Codman
          <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
          01394 670970


            We have a product called 1 Stop Automation that helps with stock control issues by running order download and catalog uploads are scheduled intervals, it can also set the maximum quantity orderable to the number currently in stock before uploading. It does all sorts of other things, such as batch order processing but if you only need the stock control part you can buy that separately.

            More details and a free trial at

            Jan Strassen, Mole End Software - Plugins and Reports for Actinic V4 to V11, Sellerdeck V11 to V2018, Sellerdeck Cloud
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