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Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

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    Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)

    I've made some changes to a very old version 7 actinic catalog site (the template files have been updated a bit) and tried uploading the site, but when Actinic gets as far as 'checking html pages' on the upload I get an error message pop up on screen [no error occurred] - which seems odd cos its saying 'no error'?!! But when I test the site after uploading, I can place an order as far as forwarding to the payment processing provider and the page redirects to a "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)" page..

    Any ideas what could be causing this? Nothing else has changed other than the layouts in the template files??

    Have you tried reverting back to your backup copies and retrying. If this works then try adding the modified ones back in one by one to narrow the problem done.


      Yes I've tried that, and now when uploading the pages Actinic no longer stops with an HTML page error (so that problem is fixed now)... but I still can't get the order to go any further online? Still getting the Bad Request (invalid hostname) error page??


        Are you using Sagepay? Have you updated the URLs since they were changed from Protx?

        If not you need to. There's a number of recent posts on forum how to do this.


          Hi - yes the site does use Sagepay. It was created a long time ago when it used to be Protx and I haven't had any involvement since the start.

          I've searched the forums for something to show me how to update the urls, but if anyone can offer any direction to what I'm searching for (searched update urls, searched protx/sagepay, and so far nothing that looks like its what I need!)


            Take a look at this KB article:


              Thanks - I really appreciate your help...

              I've run through all the steps in the thread you recommended and the site is now going a little further, but its now giving a Sage Pay error 5030 which means we're using the incorrect encryption password... but there doesn't appear to be anywhere in Actinic (that I can find) where I can check/change the encryption password - only a 'secret key' which is entirely separate from the encryption password?


                Solved the problem, the encryption password needed to be inserted into ""

                Thanks for your help

