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Constructive Criticism

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    Constructive Criticism

    This is my latest incarnation of my site.

    any helpful comments would be much appreciated.

    Get rid of the snow.

    I am sorry but the fake snow stuff really bugs me!

    However, I do like the site very nice looking.

    The only problem I could see was that in the checkout it was hard to tell which boxes were required and which were not. The bolded purple font does not look much different to the non-bolded font.

    Also you might want your Flowertastic logo in the top left hand corner be a link back to your homepage. I kept trying to click on it to take me home.

    Peter (Scrooge)
    Printerbase - Colour & Mono Laser Printers


      The snow, while not quite as annoying as those mouse tails that bounce off the sides of the window that I've seen on some sites, serve to distract the users attention away from the products you want them to focus on. It becomes irritating to some, I agree the site would look quite nice and would not suffer by losing it.
      Regards, Tom


        I got confused! not being familiar with the product I ended up on the page for starlight christmas

        the snow stopped falling, and i didn't understand what i was trying to buy.....I thought it was a balloon so what is the love photo frame, what is the christmas cake. Do I have to choose a Christmas character? what ever that I have to order chocolates? I know what chocolate is!

        None of the Optional extras at the bottom of the page were clickable...

        am I missing something?



          the items at the bottom are pictures of the choices. I did toy with the idea of having a pop-up with a bigger picture - do you think that that would be b better idea?

          I was also considering changing the "Style" prompt to just a normal product price as its not clear exactly what your buying...


            Ah right I understand now!

            Still a tad confusing as I assmed the extras were part of the sale and not an upsale.

            I would get rid of the drop down boxes and make the extra options clickable

            or change the wording in the drop downs eg "Add chocolates for £5.99" seems to be obligatory


              I would say limit the snow to your logo for the Christmas period. Also, that mint green colour isn't very pleasant, especially when coupled with purple - it's just too luminous for my taste. I also don't like the spiel on the first page of the site...the history of the company should go in an 'about' section, so people can read about it IF they want to. And spell Internet with a capital I!!


                A much better way of showing pictures of the optional items is to use radio buttons for the choices and in the HTML for Name field of each choice put the image code.

                This way the image is right against the appropriate choice.

                You may have to upload those images via Advanced / Additional files.


                Name Add Chocolates for £12.34
                HTML for Name Add Chocolates for £12.34 <img src="chocs-icon.jpg" width=50 height=50>

                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                  Are you suggesting this in addition to this icons at the bottom?

                  And several of my options have to use a drop down list as they have variations....

                  Alternativly I suppose that I could have a pop-up from the footer, and add to the cart from there? but I didn't think was possible?


                    No - I was just commenting on the criticism that the Images weren't too obviously related to the drop-down list that was quite far above them.


                    p.s. You can have Add to Cart on the Popup Page. See the thread ...
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

