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which is the view cart template

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    which is the view cart template

    My design is based on clean layout 12 or 13 (right hand side bar only).

    I want to take the side bar out of the view cart page but can't find how to do this. I've done it for the check out pages though.

    What template should I be looking for.


    Hi Sylvia

    The sidebar is in the overall layout template, but there is not a specific overall layout template for the 'View Cart' page in the same way there is one for the checkout pages. Maybe you could edit the 'Default Overall Layout' template to remove the sidebar, and then use a template other than the default for the front page of the store and all the section pages.

    The template for the View Cart content is Act_Shoppingcart.html.

    Hope that helps


      If the view cart page is using the same overall template as the rest of my shop (Act_PrimaryRight.html, why does the NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP not appear on the view cart page.

      Is it possible to get this to appear on the view cart page?


        The NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP is stripped out of the View Cart and checkout pages by a Perl script, so that once you go to the checkout you can either carry on and complete your order, or you can click continue shopping by clicking the button.

        This happens as it is thought that once a customer checks out, you wouldnt want to give them the Section list to click, letting them not go through with the checkout.

        Hope that helps


          Thanks James. I've done as you've suggested and used a few templates to get the look I wanted.


            Changes to view cart page

            A couple of questions about the page which is displayed after an 'add to cart' instruction
            1. How do I change the colours of the 'UPDATE', 'CONTINUE SHOPPING' ETC BUTTONS? They are pale blue at moment and are hard to read.
            2. How do I replicate these buttons so that they appear both at the top and botton of the page? - at the moment if the checkout has more than a couple of items in it the customer needs to scroll down the page to see the navigation links.


              Hi Alan

              You can change the colour of the text on the button by going to Design | Colours, and if you change the Palette Colour 3 to the color of your choice, that should change the text colour of the button image.

              Alternatively, you can edit each of the button images (found in your site1 folder) to be the colour you are wanting using your image editing software.

              As for the button images appearing at the top aswell as the bottom of the page, you will need to edit the template Act_shoppingcart.html, and locate the html used for the buttons and paste it at the top of the template before the first table tag, so the buttons will appear at the top aswell as the bottom of the cart page...

              If you let me know what theme you are using (Design | Themes), I can do this for you if you like...

              Let me know how it goes



                Thanks James,
                I'm a bit nervous of editing this particular template! My theme is Layout03 and the website is


                  Ok, I have put the buttons at the top of the shopping cart page for you, if you download the attached zip file, and save the html fiel to your site1 folder... might be worth making a backup of the existing one just incase!

                  Then if you update your site, then have a look!

                  Let me know how it goes.
                  Attached Files



                    Many, many thanks - I have uploaded the new template and it's just what I needed.

