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Form Attachments

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    Form Attachments

    I have a Trophy shop that we ask for engraving instructions. I would also like to have something where the customer can send me a logo file that is located on their hard drive. Is there a way to have some type of form attachment generated that would allow them to browse and select a file and submit it to me via email or something. The site is

    Any help would be much appreciated!. Just looked kinda like the attach file button on the bottom of this new thread posting form

    I've done something simular to this in the past for a t-shirt printing company, its a bit of a bodge-fix but it works well enough.

    You'll need some PHP skills...

    Edit the recipt page (act_order04.html) to include a form with a hidden field holding "NETQUOTEVAR:ORDERNUMBERTEXT" as the value, then use the 'done' button as a submit for the form. Set the for to POST to a PHP script which allows you to send files to an email address, there are plenty of tutorials for these on google.

    You can then grab the order number from the recipt page and use it as the subject for the email, so you can match your orders to your emails.

    Obviously it'll have to be made clear to the user that they need to upload their file, but that can be done in the product description and by changing the 'done' button on the recipt to something like 'Upload file'.

    hope that helps.


      That sounds beyond my abilities, I will try it though to see if I can get it to work. Thanks

