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Post Code Validation

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    Post Code Validation

    We are setting up a Catalog for a customer, and during testing the post code validation was set for the countries which have a post code mask, however, when tested the mask does not work i.e. it allows any characters or letters.

    The people at Actinic are looking into it, but I need valid post code for search purposes, has anyone come accross the problem, and if so do you know a work round?

    One other question, I've found a number of post code masks either not included or different formats to those in the DB, does anyone have a complete list or would it be useful to post what I have here?

    thanks in advance

    ps sorry if you see multiple posts, seems the board needs cookies, but didn't tell me!!

    Turns out (after some investigation at this end) that this feature only validates post-codes in the application after the order has been downloaded. It does not validate the post-codes online.

    Needless to say, this has been added to the wish list.


      Just looking at the imput from the order forms, and I can't see where any validation takes place.

      The orders (dummy at this time) still show invalid post codes. So I suppose my next question is how, or where does the validation take place, and what options are there to rectifiy or scan for correct ones?

      Peter Oram


        Hmm.... After some more investigation, it turns out that this, in fact, was only originally implemented for when you input postcodes when creating Customer Accounts in Business.

        There is a mistake in the documentation here which I can only apologise for (I'm the one who writes the documentation). THe ability to be able to validate post-codes online will be available in a future release of Actinic.


          In the light of what Chris has said above, as anyone had a good look at the code used by Actinic to generate the pages?

          I'm still looking to validate the Post Code on line.

          What we need to do is the following :-

          1) Produce a different "Enter Address" page for each of the 21 world address formats (although we will most likely only be using 4 or 5).

          2) Validate the Post code online using the existing (and updated information available) masks.

          3) Print the Dispatch / Invoice sheet in the correct country format (we all live in hope!! )

          Any help out there from those wonderful people (and I do include Actinic in this, since so far they have been very helpful, even if we've not yet solved the problem)


          Peter Oram

