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US Date in Order Processing

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    US Date in Order Processing

    Hi, I was wondering if anybody can help me.

    I am having problems with the date format when I view the online orders that I have downloaded in acatalog on my desktop. The date column is showing US thus creating the orders to be mixed up.

    I have gone into control panels and regional and language options and it is set to English UK.

    This occured when I reinstalled acatalog 4.0/site1 onto a new computer running XP. I was have previously reinstalled the shop onto a number of machines and this has never occurred.

    Does anyone have any ideas as to why this may be happening.


    Could you go to 'Help | About...' and let us know what number you have in the 'Version no.' field?

    I'm wondering if you have a US version of the software.


      Problem Sorted


      Thanks for your reply to the post.

      I have worked out what the problem was. I do have a UK version of actinic.

      Basically the date format was defaulting to US format format and XP on the PC was in UK English format or so it seemed.
      I went into control panels and languages and selected US format and then restarted acatalog. I then shut down acatalog and went back into control panels and then put the setting back to UK English format and restarted acatalog again.
      This time the date in actinic was in UK English format. So it looks like that the computer had got a bit confused as they do sometimes.

      Thanks for your help anyway. I was informed by one of your colleagues on Friday via email that it could not have been actinic that could cause this problem. There is not a specific date format in the order system such as US or UK, that is how I worked out it must be XP.


