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Affiliate Tracking

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    NETQUOTEVAR for Product Name???

    I would like to pass the product name in the order to my affiliate program... is this possible?

    If it is could someone please give me an example? Whatever the Netquotevar, it would have to be transferred into the javascript code I currently have (PASTED BELOW) to make it work with my current script.

    Thank you

    =========CODE I CURRENTLY HAVE=============
    <script>testPrice = "NETQUOTEVAR:SUBTOTAL";
    var i;
    var SecondAmp = 0;
    var FullPrice = "";
    for (i = 0; i < testPrice.length; i++)
    // Search through string and append unfiltered values to returnString.
    var c = testPrice.charAt(i);
    if (c == "&")
    if(i != 0)
    SecondAmp = i;
    var FirstPrice = testPrice.substring(6,SecondAmp);
    var SecondPrice = testPrice.substring(SecondAmp + 5, SecondAmp + 7);
    // create the fullprice
    FullPrice = FirstPrice + "." + SecondPrice;

    // we always send a constant product description, but this could easily be
    var ProductDesc = "Affiliate Sale ";
    ProductDesc = ProductDesc + "£" + FullPrice;

    // then dynamically create an image which quietly sends off our info
    document.write("<img src='"
    + ProductDesc + "&price_1=" + FullPrice + "&qty_1=1&commit=1 '>"); </script>
    Amaze Your Friends...


      Looking everywhere for the NETQUOTEVAR:SUBTOTAL in Act_Order04.html Doesn't seem to be in !

      Can anyone help me find it, or let me know if the above code should be put elsewhere?

      To then get this value to appear without shipping and tax, follow the instructions in this knowledge base article.
      I would like to pass the product name in the order to my affiliate program... is this possible?
      This is not possible I'm afraid as it is not available via a single variable in the receipt.


        Even more problems still...


        Currently having two problems with integrating my actinic with Assoc Track.

        1. The order number is not being transferred

        2. Affiliate sales are not being tracked.

        The main problem is No. 1.

        I need to somehow transfer over: NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER into the javascript that is below:

        I'm not entirely sure how to do this as I don't know javascript so if you could help that would be great. Surely I have to add a line like: OrderID = "NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER"; etc. The AssocTrac needs it to look like this later: the variable used with assoctrac is (order) so would be &order = orderNo etc

        ===========START JAVASCRIPT============
        <script>testPrice = "NETQUOTEVAR:SUBTOTAL";
        var i;
        var SecondAmp = 0;
        var FullPrice = "";
        for (i = 0; i < testPrice.length; i++)
        // Search through string and append unfiltered values to returnString.
        var c = testPrice.charAt(i);
        if (c == "&")
        if(i != 0)
        SecondAmp = i;
        var FirstPrice = testPrice.substring(6,SecondAmp);
        var SecondPrice = testPrice.substring(SecondAmp + 5, SecondAmp + 7);
        // create the fullprice
        FullPrice = FirstPrice + "." + SecondPrice;

        // we always send a constant product description, but this could easily be
        var ProductDesc = "Affiliate Transaction";
        ProductDesc = ProductDesc + "£" + FullPrice;

        // then dynamically create an image which quietly sends off our info
        document.write("<img src='"
        + ProductDesc + "&price_1=" + FullPrice + "&qty_1=1&commit=1 '>"); </script>
        ===========END JAVASCRIPT==============

        Thank you for the help...
        Best Regards
        James Anthony
        Amaze Your Friends...


          Are you definitely placing this code within Act_Order04.html?


            Yes, it is within order04.html now, and if you go through my order process at and select "invoice and payment" you will see it in the source of the invoice page.

            It is tracking sales, but because i'm not transferring across the order number, it seems to be creating it's own, and not just one order number per order!

            The other problem is that it is not tracking the actual affiliate sales, just sales in general.

            Can't wait to get this sorted

            Amaze Your Friends...


              Looking through your posts, it looks as if the variable needs to go in the code for the image...
              <img src="
              Does this help...?


                Afraid not, as it simply does not get converted into the order number... instead it remains as: NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER!!

                Probably because we have not set the variable in the javascript... but i'm not a coder.

                I'm at the end of my teather with this now... been trying for months.

                I will post the integration e-mail from Assoc Trac who have been having many problems!

                If you get any ideas, please could you E-mail Andrew Hoyer and give him an idea where he's going wrong, otherwise I'll just have to not use the software, which would be a great disappointment. His e-mails:


                Andrew Hoyer

                Posted on 20 Aug 2004 11:19 AM

                Hi James,

                Okay I've made some edits to the order04.html page. Looks okay,
                I just need to go about testing it.

                Once I upload it, can I just go through the site and place an
                order as a mail order or something, and see the display without
                actually making a credit card purchase?

                If that's the case, I will test it out and see what happens.
                Let me know!


                Andrew Hoyer

                Posted on 20 Aug 2004 01:06 PM

                Hi Anthony,

                I finally go the order04.html page figured out, and made the modifications
                I thought were necessary. However, I ran into two problems:

                1) The page is built using XML includes, and each individual section
                deals only with it's bit of data. You'll see one called Actinic:XMLTEMPLATE NAME="ProductLine" for example, and in that section,
                the description and quantity are available, but not the price or
                order number. Without all this information available together, it's
                not possible to construct the image tag.

                2) The second problem is that price returns a value like this:
                £49.99 ($91.98)

                This will not work as AssocTRAC requires simply a number with no other

                I even looked at the code for, but am not even sure that
                editing the main .pl file will allow access to the data altogether.

                I'm not sure why the code was designed that way. It works great for
                the cart and for displaying, but if you want to use all of the data
                together at the same time, it's not available.

                I discussed this with Joel, and we both think it's either not possible,
                or would require a lot of modifications to the cart to resolve these
                two issues.

                The only possibility from here is to contact Actinic directly to find
                out if anything can be done. Do you have a method of contacting them
                for support?


                IMC TECH SUPPORT
                Amaze Your Friends...



                  I have attached both the versions of order04.html we have used (one for v6 and one for v7) in text format. Please feel free to take out whatever you wish. They send assoctrac the relevant info no problem, although we got round the product name problem by simply sending one 'product' per order


                  if the customer bought item1 for £10, and item2 for £5, then we would send assoctrac the info as if the customer had simply bought one big item. So,

                  Description1=Affiliate Sale £15

                  document.write("<img src='" + ProductDesc + "&price_1=" + FullPrice + "&qty_1=1'>");

                  Then, at the bottom of the page we send over the Order number using the actinic netquotevar reference:

                  <DIV ALIGN="CENTER"> <img src="">


                  Attached Files

                  Located: Cheshire, UK

