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numbers get prepended to email address

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    numbers get prepended to email address

    If someone makes an order, I get a copy of the receipt OK, and the catalog notification. However the person that orders does not get the order response because for some reason 4 digits get prepended to their email adddress. EG, "" gets turned into "".

    If I view their email address line in the view orders window, "mail" the "To:" field is correct. However, if I click "send now" I get the error message and that is where it tells me it was trying to send to

    Any idea why these numbers are being added to the address and how to stop it?
    Regards, Tom

    Tom. I'd love to know what's happened to your database to cause this. I've never heard of anything like it happening before. I wonder why you always get all these really odd things happening.

    The only thing I can think of is to have a look in the 'Person' table in the ActinicCatalog.mbd database and see whether the email fields in that are incorrect.

    Failing that, export a snapshot from your store then uninstall and re-install Actinic and re-import the snapshot.

    Other than that I have not got a clue. All I can recommend is registering a support request and having the team look at your snapshot.


      I checked the database and the email addresses in there are all correct.

      Perhaps the number is just an error reference that gets added after it cannot send?

      If that is the case then I need to figure out why the SMTP settings have problems. It is able to send the catalog notice out via SMTP, just not the confirmation message to the client.

      The error looks like this (the 58323 are not part of the actual email address, the rest is):

      Failed to communicate with the SMTP server.

      Possible Cause:
      Network transmission problems.


      If retry fails, check your SMTP settings
      or contact your ISP.

      The error was:
      58328chris@theoriginalartshop.netError returned from SMTP server (4: <>, Recipient unknown

      Command: send Filename:

      Also of note: I tried 2 different and valid SMTP servers and it does not seem to make any difference, and I do get this when I run the test in the Network setup:
      "This is the test message from Actinic Catalog.
      The email address and SMTP server you specified in the network preferences are correct."
      Regards, Tom


        I found the problem at last. As this may come up again if any Actinic users use MDaemon as their SMTP server it may be worth it to note what the problem was:

        In MDaemon account settings if you drill down there is a "permissions" tab. Evidently there is a permission check box entitled "this account cannot send mail to the outside world" and it is checked by default. So if you uncheck it the server will then send the mail, pretty simple really.

        I doesn't help that the server gives out the ambiguous "user unknown" error message instead of a more informational one, which it does apparently to discourage future SPAM attempts.

        However, kind of strange that when I tried to send through our ISP's SMTP server, which validates our machine based upon the MAC address, I would have thought it would have worked but it also did not. In any case I suspect that it works now because when I check the send email tab it sent the backlogged emails without an error message this time.

        So once again it was not due to any particular weirdness with our Actinic installation, this time it was the SMTP server settings.

        Thanks Chris.
        Regards, Tom

