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Page Headers

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    Page Headers

    I am sure there is an easy way to do this but I can't find out how.
    I am developing a large site with a large number of pages.
    What I would like to do is have the page title appear at the top of the page alongside the company logo - any ideas?
    I am using clean layout 05

    Look in Act_Primary.html and see if the NETQUOTEVAR's in the <TITLE>...</TITLE> tags would help. You can have duplicate NETQUOTEVAR's elsewhere on the page.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Well can see (from the book of words) that what I need is HEADERTEXT but I can't make it work!


        I can't make it work
        Perhaps if you let us know what you are doing we can help.

        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Hi Norman
          Sorry about that
          Have been experimenting with: NETQUOTEVAR:PAGEHEADER
          It is already there between the head tags in act_primary.html.
          I've tried putting it elsewhere to no effect.
          I was wondering whether actinic.css may be affecting it but cannot see what to do - I'm new to this program!


            Hi Howard,

            Many NETQUOTEVARS only work in the templates they are intended for. I.e. the ones you usually find them in. I'm not sure if there's a definitive list of which are valid where. What I usually do is to stick a bit of text around the NETQUOTEVAR and see if that text displays (or is findable when you view the generated page source code). At least then I know that the template I'm using is doing something. Some may be commented out so nothing happens.

            The other thing to make sure off is that you have entered the data that the NETQUOTEVAR uses.

            For example if you look at Design / Options / Shop Defaults / Page Header - Footer you'll find that these two text fields are implemented in many of the themes in Act_Primary.html as NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERTEXT (which directly puts the text in) and not via NETQUOTEVAR:HEADER (a call to the Act_Header.html template) which is commented out in those templates.

            Take a look at your Act_Primary and see which type you're using. Or just try using NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERTEXT in there and see if that works.

            Regarding NETQUOTEVAR:PAGEHEADER, here's how my page titles are implemented (in Act_Primary.html)


            Now if I change that for diagnostic purposes to read


            then it'll be pretty obvious from looking at the page's title bar whether these variables have any data in them or not. I think that PAGETITLE comes from the name of the Company in Business Settings and PAGEHEADER comes from the name of the section in the catalog sevtion / product tree.

            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              page title appear at the top of the page alongside the company logo

              In Clean Layout 05, the company logo is inserted via Act_Primary.html. Look for NETQUOTEVAR:LOGOIMAGE within this template and then try adding NETQUOTEVAR:PAGEHEADER (for the currect section name) or NETQUOTEVAR:HEADERTEXT (for the store header text - set in Design | Options | Shop Defaults) next to this variable.


                Thank you both It worked a treat

