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Images and Non_catalog folder

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    Images and Non_catalog folder


    I am just about to rename all my images to suit Normans search patch and I decided to re postion them.

    Right now they are on another drive.

    When I insert them on a product page with the path as (F:\Book Covers On Site\Assorted Exercises\Aural\auraltime.jpg) they go into a NOT_CATALOG folder in site (I assume this is standard).

    My question is if I put all the images in a file named 'Images' and specify this path on the product pageas Images/auraltime.jpg will it still need this NOT_CATALOG file or can I delete it.

    It seems a bit greedy to send up two sets of pictures?

    (I hope I havn't repated a previous query, I coldn't see one)


    for music, instruments and all that jazz....

    0800 328 5294.

    Actinic allows you to put your images into a sub-folder of Site1 called Images. This is only for the convenience of grouping them together to allow easy management. When they're uploaded to the web-site they will all be put into the acatalog directory, regardless of where they came from.

    I'm not sure where this NON_CATALOG folder you talk about came from. If this is on your server perhaps your web designer put it there to hold files that weren't part of the Actinic portion of your site. I'd only delete it if you are sure that none of the files in there are needed.

    By the way I updated the image patch file a day or two ago to deal with some issues that came up in another thread. You can find the updated patch on

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks again Norman. I seem to be speaking with you as much as Steve....

      I had a look at an update that talked about / and - in part numbers. Plan to do it tonight.

      The NON_CATALOG file is perhaps popped in by Harlequin as they set the format for me (excellent to I may add) . I wasn't to confident about mesing then.

      Confidence is growing thanks to some helpful guidance.

      I'll just re position imgaes in site 1 folder, less clicks for me as I have many to do.

      Thank you

      for music, instruments and all that jazz....

      0800 328 5294.

