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    Can someone tell me what the variables should be on the link for the buttons please?

    Is it just a matter of putting netquotevar: etc etc in the link or is there some other magic you need to do?

    Also, ref buttons and links, if I want to add my own buttons to go off to different pages, for example, an FAQ page, but I want it to be part of the actinic design, how would I do that?


    If you search my posting for button links you should come across a file that contains all of these.

    You can hard code links into the design for FAQ pages etc
    Owner of a broken heart


      ..I'm searching.. Found lots and lots of posts, but cant find what I'm looking for.. Will keep trying. Thanks



        has the download file
        Owner of a broken heart


 if I understand this correctly, if I was to have the 'view cart' button in my nav bar point to netquotevar:NAVBCARTLINK this would take me to the cart page of the actinic site? Take into account I haven't got the header and footer script on my page.. Is this necessary for the nav buttons to work?

          What would the 'products' button need to take you to? The netquotevar:NAVBCATALOGLINK?

          As for my FAQ page, could I hardcode this via dreamweaver to open up as a new page, using parent designs etc so that I've got the same site continuity?

          Take a looksy here by the way and you'll see what I'm on about:

          Edit: I think I missed out the LINK ammendment to the buttons too.


            What would the 'products' button need to take you to? The netquotevar:NAVBCATALOGLINK?

            yes but these will only work in the Actinic generated pages pages outside this will need to ne hard coded.
            Owner of a broken heart


              hmmm. How can I hardcode a link to a page if it's generated in Actinic? I'm confused.



                How can I hardcode a link to a page if it's generated in Actinic?
                You can get the page names from the software. Go to the 'View' menu and select 'Business Settings', then click on the 'Options' tab. Tick the 'Show Page Names when Editing Catalog' box and click 'OK'. You should now be able to see the names of your pages so you know where to point your hard-coded links to.

                Also note that if you are using actinic variables that NETQUOTEVAR must be typed in capital letters or it won't work.

                I hope this helps.


                  Thankyou! I just need someone to tell me what I'm doing wrong here though. If you take a look at the link I supplied above and see my nav bar - these are simply rollover gifs that I created. I will edit the link in dreamweaver, as it would appear, most of the work is being done in this package. All I want is for those buttons to link to the corresponding html pages. But I cant get it to work! I have test that 'products' button just a mo ago and it takes me to a Error 404. I must be doing something wrong!



                    Looking at the link you supplied, there are a number of problems - firstly as I mentioned in my last post 'netquotevar' should be 'NETQUOTEVAR' (ie uppercase). Secondly, these variables cannot be used outside the 'acatalog' folder. These links are on your home page so they are outside the 'acatalog' folder. You will have to manually hard-code these link into your Act_BrochurePrimary.html template. For example, to go to your products:

                    <a href="'>Products</a>

                    I can see that our Advanced User Guide is not clear about this so I will get it amended.

                    I hope this helps.


                      Thanks for clearing that up. I might need to do this for my unique pages, for instance my FAQ and such like, but I'm not sure what I'd need to call these. For now, I'd rather stick with the Actinic compatibility, so to do this, I need to use the NETQUOTEVAR:FOOTER GUIDE (or whatever it is called off the top of my head) on the nav bar design - and design and use the individual gifs and point them to the relevant pages in Actinic, like NETQUOTEVAR:etcetcLINK ?? Is that right?


                        I have just tested something. Basically I have changed the Act_BrochurePrimary.html to my design, and used the original nav buttons. This works as expected, but the rollover gifs dont work even though they are selected in the options?????



                          Can you upload your changes, as I still get the wrong links.


                            I'd love to, but the machine with Actinic on doesnt have net access yet.. doh.

                            Bottom-line, all I want to do is use my own rollover gifs, via the actinic software. I want to have home, about us, news, faq, products, on the Act_BrochurePrimary and home, sitemap, terms & conditions, search, view cart, checkout, contact us, faq on the Act_Primary template. That's it. It's not rocket science, but it's causing me grief.


                              right, update I' ve now got my gifs into the templates, and managed to get them working, but.. (there's always a but) is there anyway to space them out a little more? At the moment, they're real close together. I see why you produce a box round the original ones now.. They're still not 'rolling-over' either on the first page, they're only working in the Act_Primary page. Weird..

