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    Product Options

    Dear all,

    Have a client who sells garments with different sizes and colours.

    Trouble is each separate permutation of colour/size is to be mapped to an individual stock item in Sage Line 50.

    I have created the master product (garment) and some hidden products to act as attribute/choices.

    Is there a quick and easy way to set it up with a colour attribue of colour products and size attributes for size products, without having to enter each and every permutation?

    You help is greatly appreciated


    I'm afriad you are going to be required to link each possible combination of choices with a hidden product if you do want Sage to accurately reflect exactly how many of each type of product you have sold though Actinic.

    However, when you said 'each separate permutation of colour/size is to be mapped to an individual stock item in Sage Line 50', this sounds like you also have all these different product choices set up within Sage already. If so, surely you can use Actinic Link to transfer them from Sage to Actinic.

