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Sending a Form using Post Method

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    Sending a Form using Post Method

    Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get a simple form to mail to my email address after it is submitted. I can get it to work if you use Microsoft IE, but not a netscape browser?

    Here is a link to the page I have started

    Any help woudl be much appreciated

    Happy Holidays, Niels

    and here is the code I used:

    <form action="" method="post" enctype="text/plain">

    <b>Organization:</b><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="League" VALUE="AYSO-La Costa" MAXLENGTH="50" SIZE "50"><BR>

    <b>Team Number:</b><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Team Number" VALUE="Team Number" MAXLENGTH="50" SIZE "50"><BR>

    <b>Team Head Coach:</b><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Coach" VALUE="Coach" MAXLENGTH="50" SIZE="50"><BR>

    <b>Team Name:</b><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Team Name" VALUE="Team Name" MAXLENGTH="100" SIZE="50"><BR>

    <b>Team Parent:</b><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Team Contact/Parent" VALUE="Team Parent" MAXLENGTH="50" SIZE="50"><BR>

    <b>Team Parent Phone #:</b><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Team Parent Phone #" VALUE="Team Parent Phone #" MAXLENGTH="50" SIZE="20"><BR>

    <b>Team Parent Email:</b><INPUT TYPE="Text" NAME="Team Parent Email" VALUE="email address" MAXLENGTH="50" SIZE="50"><BR>
    <P ALIGN="center">
    <H4><i>Enter the Player Names Below exactly as you want them to appear on the trophies</i> </H4>
    <B>Team Roster:
    <BR>Example:</B> GABBY NORBY <B>OR</B> Gabby Norby <b>OR</B> #8 Gabby Norby
    <BR><i>(Enter each name on separate line)</i>
    <TEXTAREA NAME="Team Roster" ROWS="20" COLS="55" WRAP="physical">



    Additional Information/Comments
    <TEXTAREA NAME="Additional Information/Comments" ROWS="5" COLS="50" WRAP="physical">



    <input type="submit" value="Send">
    <input type="reset" value="Reset">


    This is a very Microsoft / IE specific way of sending a form and isn't recommended (especially Windows and any decent Anti-Virus program may cause a warning box to pop up that may scare your customers).

    The usual way is via a cgi-bin script that is designed for this purpose.

    The first place to look is on the support pages of your Hosting Service Provider as they most likely have one in place for you, or will have one ready for you to install.

    If not then look at where nmsFormmail is available for download. This is a replacement for the older formmail which is now considered to have too many security problems.

    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

