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Registered Customers

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    Registered Customers

    As I now have Protx under testing with this new site I now want to concentrate on the nuts and bolts of the look and feel beyond it's testing theme.

    When a registered customer comes to the site Actinic generates a welcome message. The preset message is too bland and I want to personalise it but can't find where.

    Can anyone give me directions where this is located?

    TIA Duncan
    Ph: 0845 838 1 839
    Skype: GiftsLine

    Hi there,

    As I understand if it is the welcome message that you would like to customise then please try the following,

    In Actinic go to Design | Text click on the 'Goto' button on the bottom left hand corner and input these values, Phase -1 ID 210.

    This is where the message is taken from, also please look at our Advance User Guide for the guide to all the prompts in Design | Text.

    Click HERE to download the Advance User Guide.

    Hope this helps
    Thank You
    Menar Khan


      Thank you that's done the trick nicely.

      Appreciated, back to Christmas now!
      Ph: 0845 838 1 839
      Skype: GiftsLine

