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cant get back to uk only shipping!

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    cant get back to uk only shipping!

    Could somebody please spare me a few minutes of their time to work out how come I now have a drop down list appearing when you get to the invoice country?
    It didn't used to be there, it used to display as United Kingdon with no drop down list and thats the way I wnt it to be.
    I'm not sure what to change to get it back though.
    Could somebody please help me out?
    Web address is and it's the first page you get when going through the checkout.I know I should know but I just can't work out why it's not right now.
    Thanking you kind folk in advance,

    Hi there,

    Could you please check the following -

    In View | Business Setting | Shipping and Handling, 'if shipping band not defined', is set to 'Do not allow shipping'.
    Thank You
    Menar Khan


      Hi there,
      Yes, it is and it makes no difference.
      It won't even allow it unless you select United Kingdom from the drop down list which isn't even the default option and I've no idea what's happened!
      It was fine when I first tested it and I've not even been working on the business setting/shipping!


        Hi there,

        The settings below works a treat, I have included a breakdown of the setting I have;

        If you go to View | Business Settings | Payment and Security make sure that 'Limited by Location' is unchecked.

        Then go to the 'Tax' tab in the Tax Zones area click on 'UK Tax Zone' and check the 'Default Zone' then click on 'No Tax levied' applying a check in 'Do not allow 'None of the Above' as a zone member'.

        If you then go to the 'Shipping and Handling' tab and make sure 'Do not allow Shipping' is selected.

        Hope this helps
        Thank You
        Menar Khan


          Thanks again but that still doesn't work.
          I know there is a way of not displaying that drop down list for invoice location but I just can't find it .
          My other site doesn't even ask invoice location, just shipping destination which is set to UK only (no drop down list)
          Any ideas which setting it is?
          I'm sure it's something simple!
          I'll attach what I mean!!


            Hi there,

            In View | Business Settings | Payment and Security highlight each 'Payment Method' and ensure you are not limiting by location.
            Thank You
            Menar Khan


              thanks again but you did mention that previously, I think, and I've already check that (or not, as the case may be!)
              I have credit card details captured and sent separately both listed, neither limited by location.
              I'm slowly going mad! (and, joy of joys, I have a 4th birthday party to accompany my son to later. Yeh..that'll help!!)
              Cheers anyway


                Hi there,

                Could you please send me your snapshot of your site so that I can test this in house. A snapshot can be created by going to File | Snapshot | Export site.

                Please attach the snapshot on an email and send it to Please mark the email for my attention.

                Hope to hear from you soon.
                Thank You
                Menar Khan



                  Any joy with the snapshot? - I haven't received anything yet.


                    I did mail it FAO Menar, yesterday as requested

                    Should I resend it?
                    Mind you, am currently having other troubles on site so it'll have to wait, I think.


                      Apologies - Menar has received it. The communityadmin emails were going to one of my colleagues rather than me.


                        Hi there,

                        I have received the snapshot thank you. I have checked the snapshot and it appears that you are still limiting by location on one the payment method. In order to resolve this please go to View | Business Settings | Payment and Security highlight 'Credit card details...' under 'Payment Method' and uncheck the 'Limited by Location' box.
                        Thank You
                        Menar Khan


                          Thank you, thank you, thank you!
                          I have recently added the second payment option in and never realised that the check box was specific to each payment option so didn't highlight that one to see if it was checked (if you see what I mean!!)
                          Many, many thanks for your time,
                          Tracey (feeling a bit sheepish!)

