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upsells and pop ups

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    upsells and pop ups

    I am trying to create an upsell for an item on my website called a "Dog Bag", I was hoping to use the pop window to give the information about it. This works fine but the header on the pop up and the title text still reads dog bag even though the image and body text references the upsell product.

    I suppose its just copying the details over from the main page, is there an easy way to change this bearing in mind I'm very new to Actinic and have very little technical knowledge. In fact I will be happy if what I have just said makes any sense at all.



    You will be pleased to hear that this does make sense

    You will be even more pleased to hear that it is possible.

    First thing to do is go to 'Advanced | Custom Properties' and click the '+' at the top left of the grid. In the new row created, enter 'PopUpName'.

    Next, go to 'Design | Options | Layouts'. At the moment, I am assuming you are using the same pop-up window layout template for each product. Go to the 'Default Page Layout' field and click 'Edit'.

    Locate the code that says:


    Replace it with


    Next, find where it says:

    <span class="actregular">NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTNAME</span>

    Replace this with

    <span class="actregular">CUSTOMVAR:POPUPNAME</span>

    Save your changes to the file and then close it.

    Now go to your 'Dog Bag' product.

    Go to the 'Properties' tab and click the '+'. In the 'Property' column, select 'PopUpName'. In the value field, enter the name of your upsell product. If you are using Business/Developer, you will also need to select 'Use as CUSTOMVAR'.

    Your pop-up page should now contain the name of your upsell product.


      I have just tried it and it works a treat,

      thanks so much for your help

      I'm sure i will be posting many more enquiries on here


