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Accessing catalog from different workstations

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    Accessing catalog from different workstations

    Is it possible to set up actinic to let different workstations to access the catalog - one at a time? (for example: one of us downloads orders and another adds new products - we'd like to be able to set at our own desk when we work on the catalog).

    Hi there.

    I would recommend installing Catalog on both computers. You can create a snapshot (basically a backup of your site) from the computer that maintains the site by going to File | Snapshot | Export site and you can import this snapshot in the order download computer. Version 6 allows you to import snapshots without overwriting any existing orders in the download machine.

    I would recommend that you go to the View | Business settings | Options in the maintainance machine and uncheck 'order processing' and on the order machine, disable 'catalog maintainance' and 'design changes' .

    If however you add new products, shipping charges etc, you should create another snapshot from the maintainance machine, and import it into the download machine. You will have to go to the View | Business settings |Options screen in the download computer to setup the options again.

    I hope this helps.


