I'm sure I've missed something here, but I can't seem to puzzle it out. I'm using Clean Layout 3.
The Section List appears in the Left side navigation bar and again at the start of every page of my brochure (above my products). I'd like to only have it appear in the nav bar, and not anywhere else on the page.
Here are my settings for Design|Options|Sections
Site Map: Checked
Meta Keywords: Checked
Parent Section Links:
List Placement: 'Top'
Show Top Level Parent is Checked
Omit from Top Level Sections is Unchecked
Default Location and Arrangement of Section Lists:
List Placement: None
Images Only: Unchecked (we are only using text descriptions)
First Row Column Count: 1
Subsequent Row Column Count: 1
Location and Arrangement of Top Level Section Lists:
Include in Front Page: Checked
Include in all except front page: Checked
List Placement: Top
Images Only: Unchecked
First Column Count: 1
Subsequent Row Column Count: 1
I had assumed that if I unchecked Include in Front Page and Include in all except front page under Location and Arrangement of Top Level Section Lists that the second set of section links would disappear. It does, but so did the set inside the nav bar.
Can anyone please make a suggestion?
Many thanks in advance,