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Shopping Cart

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    Shopping Cart

    Hello Me again (you lucky people lol)


    Say we have Product A which has a maximum order of 5, but it has several different ways of it being distributed (at mo its a component with 5 attribute)

    So Product A can come in i) Box of 10, ii) Box of 20, ...., v)Box of 50

    Obviously you can only have 5 in total regardless of the different boxes you require.

    If however you go over the maximum quantity (it does tell you) and you change it back to 0 so in effect you have not allocated any extra to it, so why when viewing the shopping basket does it block all items regarding that main product out and displays a message e.g.

    Quantity: The quantity must be a whole number between 1 and 4.

    And each time you enter an integer between 1 and 4, the shopping basket is determined to still block it out, until you chnage all your required product quantities back to thier lowest. This defeats the object of teh shopping cart, where you have to delete all associated products tehn have to start again and get it correct.

    I'm just wondering why it does this and if i'm the only one its happenng to???

    Many Thanks in Advance......
    Mel Bagley

    KC3 - Actinic GOLD reseller

    This is a known problem, which the next maintenance release of v6 (due shortly) will address.

