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Help Please Version 6 Newbie

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    Help Please Version 6 Newbie

    Hi everyone,
    I have recently upgraded from V.4 to V.6 and what a difference. Great. The upgrade was successful but in the end I found it easier to do a clean install of all new templates and modify them again from scratch. I have to say that probably because of the new design features there seemed to be far less template modifications to make.

    I have two issues I need help on:

    1. My OCClink page does not redirect to the Worldpay Secure Server automatically but requires a click on the Next button. Is this normal or should it redirect automatically, and what might the problem be if this is the case?

    2. I have applied a class to all the buttons in the checkout process to make them more pleasing to the eye. However, there are a few remaining Grey buttons which I think must be generated by the Perl scripts. Can anyone tell me how to apply my class to those also?

    Many thanks.

    Hi there,

    Has this site been uploaded? if yes, then can you please post the URL for the website so we can take a look.
    Thank You
    Menar Khan


      Re: Help with V6 newbie

      Hi Menar
      The url is:
      though the site is not live yet.
      The Grey buttons remaining are the "Change" buttons in the checkout process that provide the choice for an alternate Country and delivery address.


        Hi there,

        Can you please check your Act_Primary.html template (Advance | Template Manager | Primary (Click on change view if in graphical view)) to see if you have the following variable?

        NETQUOTEVAR:ONLOAD, if not then please insert this variable in the primary template within the BODY NETQUOTEVAR tag i.e.


        The buttons that appear in grey are taken from Design | Text. In order to associate the buttons with your CSS file, please go to Design | Text click on the 'Goto' button and input these values, Phase = -1 ID=2067, this will highlight the prompt where you can apply your style.

        Hope this helps
        Thank You
        Menar Khan


          Re: Help for V6 Newbie

          Menar you're a gem (no pun intended). The solutions worked, very pleased, many thanks.



            Originally posted by Menar
            ...Text click on the 'Goto' button and input these values, Phase = -1 ID=2067, this will highlight the prompt where you can apply your style.[/B]
            Hi Menar.
            When I click the Save Shopping List in my Shopping Cart the next page displays a message "This will overwrite your existing saved Shopping List. Do you wish to proceed?" and "Confirm" and "Cancel" buttons that remain grey despite the implementation of your solution. My style sheet appears in the source code but these particular buttons stubbornly do not respond. After much searching I cannot find the file to edit for this page. Perhaps you can kindly assist again.



              Hi there,

              These buttons are generated from a perl script. The perl script that generates these are called

              I have located the lines within that perl script, which are lines 582 and 583

              $sLine .= "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=ACTION VALUE=\"$::g_sConfirmButtonLabel\"> \n";
              $sLine .= "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=ACTION VALUE=\"$::g_sCancelButtonLabel\"> <P>\n";
              As I lack knowledge of perl I cannot comment on how to associate these buttons with your style sheet, however, anyone with knowledge of perl may be able to comment.
              Thank You
              Menar Khan


                Most grateful to you Menar. Thanks

