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site maintenance

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    site maintenance

    We have a site featuring 3000+ products. Dealing in periodicals, new products are added weekly and old ones deleted. Whilst we do add more new products than we delete old, the site seems to be growing (in terms of server space used) at a disproportionate rate, and I am wondering if there is any routine maintenance I should be carrying out top optimise my web space and site performance.
    The largest file I can see is access.log.gz at 67MB (out of a total of 135 MB for the whole site including all graphics). Can anyone tell me what this file is, and does it require maintence in any way by myself, in order to bring the size down.
    Also, when I delete products from Actinic, are the related product images automatically deleted from the server when I next refresh the site, or do I have to find and delete the unused files myself?
    Any help or advice appreciated.

    My site went over the max space a couple of times, causing it to shut down.

    I called up my host and had them remove some of it and compress the rest, that reduced it a great deal. I have a helpful host. You might not be so lucky, they might just ask you to rent more space.

    Running Actinic does seem to create massive log files


      Hi there

      access.log.gz may be your server log for your website. This log records all operation to do with the website, like who has accessed a picture, or who is running a perl scripts.

      With regards to your other question, i believe you will need to manually delete this, actinic does not purge unused images

      Kind Regards
      Nadeem Rasool
      SellerDeck Development


        Thanks for your replies.

        Nadeem, could you please clarify the diffrenec between UPDATE and REFRESH.



          An 'Update' is when Actinic generates all the HTML pages, but then checks which ones have changed since the last upload, and only uploads those pages. It also uploads any images/files required by those pages.

          A 'Refresh' is when Actinic uploads ALL the files required for the site, whether they are already on the site or not.


            Thanks Chris

