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Credit Card Applet Problems

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    Credit Card Applet Problems

    Hi All,

    I had an email from a customer trying to purchase a membership from our site using the normally robust WorldPay at (downloadable images). The order came thru without PSP info and then she emailed saying the following:

    'I just got your e-mail this morning and my ISP Earthlink kept disconnecting me during the process several was told that I could be charge 2 times is I proceed.....what can I do about this? Can I give you my information by e-mail?'

    There was no charge placed and I didn't want to take her CC info via email (shes in USA) so I set her up an account and then made a product only visible to her with a value of £1.00. I then made the product info her instructions and labelled the Add to cart button 'Credit Card info' and told her to go thru the process and place her CC info in the Applet by using Capture Credit card info. I would then process the membership for her and change her access to all images.

    I tested it myself and it worked fine but she sent me this email:

    'Every time I get to the page for the credit card info. I get this from Netscape:

    exception,java.lang.arrayindexOutof BoundsException

    then I get rid of that and put my CC infor. in and it does not give me anything to send it and it just sites there!!!!'

    Hmmm..? So now I am at a loose end. She doesn't want to fax her info because her husband says it's too expensive to fax the UK!

    How can I possibly process her details? And, if I opened her a membership for free and maybe charged her later, how do I know that she won't have these issues again trying to purchase art instead of the membership?

    It's a toughie, but I don't want to lose her custom. I could phone her but if she doesn't give out her number I'm buggered!

    Any advice anyone or any idea why her Netscape browser kills the CC Applet?


    Organic Image - Award-winning Airbrush Kustom Art & Airbrush Classes

    Woah - talk about nightmare orders! With regards to the Netscape issue, we would need to know what version of Netscape she was using as it seems to vary wildly between versions. We have tested pretty thoroughly on Netscape, but she could have an obscure version that slipped though the net.

    With regards to the practical problems, as a last resport I suggest she enters her CC details within a Word document (preferably zipped up) and emails it to you. I know that you should never send CC details by email, but the Word file should prevent the packet being sniffed out en route - and at least it is better than having no CC details at all. Also, you could send her a password-protected Word doc (Go to 'Tools | General Options' when saving the file at your end) for her to open, use and then send back.


      CC Netscape issues

      Hi Chris :-)

      Good to hear from you: Unfortunately, she sent the details by email! I couldn't have stopped her and it was before I read this but great advice and thanks for the info. I will use that if this happens again.

      I will try find out what the version of Netscape is and anything else I can so I can report it back here in this thread later.

      She did say one thing that seemsed a bit odd, she tried to load the applet page while using 'a different browser' but she said it just opened Netscape up? Customers eh! :-)


      Organic Image - Award-winning Airbrush Kustom Art & Airbrush Classes

