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"Invalid Signature Error"

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    "Invalid Signature Error"

    Whenever I try to download an order from the website I get "The payment service provider authorization downloaded for the order number … had an invalid signature". When going to e-Clear (my PSP) the order has been processed correctly and the payment made.

    I've read knowledge base article GC144 on the subject, but the properties on the Payment and Security section for e-Clear are trivial - and if you get them wrong it doesn't work at all so I don't know how to progress the problem.

    e-Clear say everythings fine at their side.

    Any ideas anyone?

    Many thanks in advance,


    Hi Steve

    When you get an invalid signature error, this means when Actinic downloads an order, it uses the secret key from "View | Business Setting | Payment" and "Configure Method". If this is set incorrectly then you will get an Invalid Signature error.

    but the properties on the Payment and Security section for e-Clear are trivial - and if you get them wrong it doesn't work
    This is the most important detail with Payment and Security, this is needed to decrypt the order successfully. You can have an incorrect secret key and your website will function correctly. The secret key is used when you download the order.

    I would suggest checking your secret key as this error message is always to do with it. Maybe an idea to retype the secret key and update the website. If it still happening, then i would suggest getting in touch with E-Clear and getting them to give you a new secret key.
    Some PSP give you an email with the secret key, i normally advise clients, to copy and paste this into Actinic, as some secret keys are case sensitive

    Kind Regards
    Nadeem Rasool
    SellerDeck Development


      You're right Nadeem - it was the secret key value that was wrong. Working now.

      Many thanks!



        Where do I get this "secret key"? I have the same problem as above. I contacted, my PSP, and they did not know what the "Secret Key" was. I contacted Sure Solutions, my Actinic Host, and they did not know what it was either.

        I scoured my emails for this key, and no luck there.

        Any help would be greatly appreciated.



