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Sub sections

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    Sub sections

    My client has asked me to change his front shop page to incorperate a sub section tree so that he does not have to many options on it ie he has ten styles of clothing at the moment and wants to now split the front page into 1. ladies clothing 2. mens then on those pages have the relative sections to progress on but when i try to create a sub section in a "section" it does not work or will not display on the site or products do not display

    please help as i am baffled

    is there a fix?


    Hi Christian

    Have you uploaded this site? If so, please let us know the URL so we can take a look. What happens when you right-click on an existing section and select 'New sub-section'?

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software



      the site has been up and running for a couple of years now and so far i have not had many probs with it.
      if i add a sub section it comes up in actinic as a sub section but does not in preview or online no link apears or is displayed


        It sounds as though in the main section's details (i.e. the one in which you are creating sub-sections) you have selected the 'None' radio button for the location and arrangement of sections lists. Could you check this.
        Ben Popplestone
        Ecommerce website software


          right i got you now cheers i have played with this before but it just messed me about and gave me repeats of product etc so i now have tried all options and have came up with the one for them to use thanks for your help i have a screen capture shuold anyone require when having the same probs



