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my web on 2 pc's.

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    my web on 2 pc's.

    Hi there,

    I want to have my web transfered from pc to pc. The reason is that i want someone to upload new images from one pc, and then update them on the primary pc. Both can be connected from the internet, but i really dont want to do this. I can buy one of those hard drive space things that you plug into the usb port (or usv?) Any ideas anyone on a way around this?

    Thanks again
    Thanks for all help everyone!!

    Are the PCs in the same location?

    If so just transfer them across the network.

    Or burn a CD.
    Tim Brown


      use the snapshot to transfer the latest edition from one machine to another


        the pcs are in different locations. Also i dont know what a snapshot is. I need the two to be the same as i am using the machine to allow people to list more items. I think all i will need to do is just to burn, or use the usv port to take it from one pc to another. But is there more to it than this? do i need to adjust any settings?

        thanks again for your help
        Thanks for all help everyone!!


          As far as I understand you can not have two PCs updating Actinic at the same time.

          Each update will just over write the previous update. Be very careful if you do this or you will just end up losing changes you make.
          Tim Brown



            i wont update the two at the same time, i will update one at a time and then keep updating the main one. i understand what you mean, i just need to know if i need to mess about with any settings once i have copied over the site 1 folder? thanks
            Thanks for all help everyone!!



              The way I'd do this is:-

              Make sure both systems have the same version of Actinic installed (see Help / About).

              Copy all of Site1 from one machine to the other (via a CD is ideal as you will also have just made a backup copy).

              Also copy all the info in Houskeeping / Security (by copying and Pasting to a textfile) and put that file on the same CD. You have to do this as this info is in the Registry and not in Site1.

              Re-enter that textfile's data info into the new system's Housekeeping / Security. You only need to do this on the first copy.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                the best way to do it is not to copy the site1 folder

                if you go to File - Snapshot - Export Site that will create a 'Snap Shot' of your site1.

                Then on second PC go File - Snapshot - Import Site and that will do what you want it to.
                Tim Brown


                  the best way to do it is not to copy the site1 folder
                  I'm sceptical. Perhaps Actinic can confirm that Snapshot is now 100% reliable.

                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    that sounds really simple, but will this take into account any new images i have added in the cat_images folder? as i have a folder structure in it? Also are the files very large? as i want to use a usb drive and need to know what size to buy.
                    Thanks for all help everyone!!



                      snapshot will only work if the images are within the site1 folder.

                      Both methods described will work.

                      I tend to use snapshots for a quick easy solution, and use the site1 solution as backup. ie when releasing to a client I burn both onto CD. Tell the client to deploy the snapshot. If there are problems we have site1


                        i plan to backup the site 1 directory on my pc, in another loaction, extra drive, before i start to mess about with it, also on a cd.

                        'Also copy all the info in Houskeeping / Security (by copying and Pasting to a textfile) and put that file on the same CD. You have to do this as this info is in the Registry and not in Site1.'

                        the above sounds easy, is this really as straight forward? After going into it, there is a massive block called ' enscription key' this is like just a load of nonsence, also a key - probably from the cd, and a username and password. Is this what screen you mean? Once i have done this am i happy to just use the snapshots?

                        thanks guys are so fast....damn!
                        Thanks for all help everyone!!



                          there is a massive block called ' enscription key' this is like just a load of nonsence, also a key - probably from the cd, and a username and password.
                          That's the stuff. And that huge bit of nonsense if the 1024 bit Encryption Key. Lose that and any orders you have on the website can't be downloaded (technically - the customers credit card details which are highly encrypted - that is).

                          Everyone should copy that info to a textfile and keep it safe, off the PC, as you really need this info if your system goes down. That info and Site1 (assuming your images are in Site1 or a subfolder of Site1) are a complete backup. You can always get Actinic from their download area.


                          p.s. As to the size of Site1, just right-click it in Windows and choose Properties for a size summary.
                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            thats great, thanks for all the help
                            Thanks for all help everyone!!


