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Order Completes Prematurely

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    Order Completes Prematurely

    I have had orders complete before they are paid and invoices printed a few times. This is the scenario:

    1. Customer places order.
    2. Customer calls and says they want a different item instead.
    3. I cancel the line and add the new item as an adjustment (Actinic forces this, but this is unsatisfactory).
    4. Payment is pending, invoice is not printed, nothing is shipped, but invoice is marked complete.

    Since I do not use a PSP and process my own charges, I am free to change the order anyway that suits the customer, but Actinic makes this difficult (can’t increase quantity, can’t add items), but the order should at least stay pending until it is paid.
    Bob Ladden

    Hi Bob

    I've tested this and it looks like a bug. I will report it to the development team. Thanks for letting us know about it.

