Jason, I have seen your homepage and that is what i want too. how did you do that? Where did you add your URL in? Can u specify the template that u have added it on pls? cos i'm unsure of which template. Thank you.
Each section was made using either Dreamweaver or Frontpage and then I pasted the HTML into a fragment window within the first page of the site. Each section has its own fragment so that editing is easier in the future. If you use this approach then you will have to surround your html with !!<your html here >!! So that Actinic knows that it is html and not just text.
Go to the first page in the content tree and right click. Choose new fragment.
Decide on a layout option that uses text. Type !!< add your pre written html here. type >!! and hit apply.
Now Preview the page for an idea of how to do it.
Just add more fragments as and when you need them.
I think you got me wrong. Haha, what i meant was the URL address that you have added onto every one of the POP-UP box which in turn bring you back to the homepage. not creating new fragment? I am asking how u did that cos i do not have the URL on the popup page. =\ Chris gave me a few of those extended info template but i do not know which one was the main one. ya.. so anyone knwos where i can add the url in the popup box?
I'm sorry. Anyway, what i meant was a HYPERLINK OF MY HOMEPAGE to be included at the POP-UP BOX. U showed me quite a number of Act_xtended.html template right? however, i do not understnad which is the one that controls the entire pop-up menu. Or do i need to change one by one?
Could I ask you to go to any product in your store and go to the 'Extended Information' tab.
Look at the 'Layout' field. You will see there are a variety of different layout templates for pop-up windows. Each option in that lists corresponds to one of the templates in the list I gave you in my earlier post.
Name and info text displayed right of image=Act_ExtendedInfo.html
Name and info text displayed below image=Act_ExtendedInfoImageAbove.html
Name and info text displayed left of image=Act_ExtendedInfoLeftText.html
No name shown, info text below image=Act_ExtendedInfoNoName.html
No name shown, info text right of image=Act_ExtendedInfoNoName2.html
No name shown, info text left of image=Act_ExtendedInfoNoName3.html
You need to find which is the one that your products are using. If the 'Layout' drop-down list in the 'Extended Information' tab says 'Use Parent' then the template it will be using will be the default one set in 'Design | Options | Layouts'. Find the 'Default Page Layout' field (at the bottom of this window) and click 'Edit'. Enter the code I gave you into the template that opens.