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New Order Received... or not.

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    New Order Received... or not.

    Hi guys

    well in the past couple of weeks i have had nightmare...mostly with fraud. due to the web designer not doing the payment properties correctly. anyways, im really eager to get things going in the right direction.

    my problem now is:

    when a customer goes to the site and looks about.. and goes to purchase an item, they put their details in and it comes through to us as an order received, we get the mail saying " Order Received ". the problem is that we have alot of people doing this so our orders page in Actinic is getting very crowded with orders that are NOT orders.

    i want to ONLY get orders that have been paid, for coming through. not ones where the customer is browsing! is there a way of only getting paid for orders. as when things really get going it will be a bit easier to read!

    i hope someone can help!

    Tony Mc

    How are you collecting payment?


      thank you for the reply.

      Payment is through Secure Trading.


        Do you mean that you are downloading orders that have no associated payments?

        There are four tabs at the bottom of the order page Pending, Completed, Pending & Completed, Awaiting PSP Payment.

        I often have several orders is the PSP tab as well as real orders. I must assume that the customer pops into the checkout and back out again before paying and thus get two order numbers.

        One with a payment associated, and the original.


          If you are using a PSP then as far as catalog is concerned the order is complete before the payment transaction.
          Thus you will always get the odd order without payment.

          If this is happening alot I would investigate the secure payment transaction pages to see if there is a reason why so many people drop out

          we tend to see a figure of 2% of orders without PSP payment, some of that 2% is orders from "fkjlgj" or "test" etc


            im getting more and more baffled!

            the orders are all coming to the Pending Payment Service Provider. i have nothing in any of the other tabs.

            has the site been set up wrong. because if it has i am going to have to get the designer to sort it out asap!


            Tony Mc


              Are you receiving any payments???? It could be that these are reall orders and your systems had not matched the payments to the order.


                If everything is coming as pending I would phone Secure Trading.

                You shouldn't need the designer to do this


                  yes we are receiving payment for some orders...

                  but at the moment we are also receiving orders that people have not gone through with. i.e they are looking at buying something... they fill in all the details and then they cancel the order by leaving the site. we get an email saying order received. but they havent paid for it. we have been getting around this by going to the secure trading site and checking the transactions. to see if payment has been received. we do get an email saying when we have received payment.

                  im starting to get this i think, i reckon the Tabs are not really in use... and that orders we are getting or the ones that the customer hasnt gone through with are all coming up in Awaiting PSP Payment.


                    Whats the URL for you site?

                    You should find the paid for orders under Penging or Completed. If not it looks like the PSP is not link to actinic correctly.



                      thanks for the help guys.

                      Tony Mc


                        I've just placed an imcomplete order - ie I got to the checkout and cancelled.

                        I would expect you to be able to download my order, and expect you to get a failed transaction email from ST.

                        On another note your checkout pages have a rouge table size. If you look at the attachment you'll see what I mean
                        Attached Files


                          hmm i see what you mean!

                          the site was designed by a company i used to work for, and i now work for the company that runs that site, im their online manager...well i try to be but the amount of problems we are having! so much of the site has had to be redesigned in the last few months that i wonder if it would be a good idea to start again!

                          please can you link me to a really nice Actinic site so i can see how it should look.

                          thanks for all your help.



                            have a look at one of mine....




