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V6 crashes when importing snapshot

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    V6 crashes when importing snapshot

    Has anyone else had this?

    I've just upgraded from V5 to V6

    I've taken a V5 snapshot and imported it into V6... the process starts working an just as it is about to complete, Actinic crashes and quits.

    If you then re-open it, the snapshot appears to have installed.

    Does anyone know why this is happening?


    Jos Medinger

    Tel : 01978 843 962
    Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO

    Hi Jos

    Haven't heard of this happening before. Have you tried re-installing version 6 and re-importing the snapshot or upgrading version 5 as part of the version 6 installation? If doing these resolves the problem, it would seem it is down to a faulty installation of v6. Otherwise, the snapshot may be faulty itself.

    Ben Popplestone
    Ecommerce website software


      Can you carry a snapshot across versions??? I did not think you could
      Owner of a broken heart


        Originally posted by Ben
        Have you tried re-installing version 6 and re-importing the snapshot or upgrading version 5 as part of the version 6 installation? Ben

        I can't upgrade from V5 beecause I've still got other sites on there that need to continue to use V5

        I therefore installed V6 as a separate program

        I haven't tried re-installing V6 yet but this problem has now manifested in 2 completely separate installations of V6 - and importing 2 different snapshots (albeit of the same site but generated from different machines)

        I can cope with the crashing because the snapshot DOES seem to install OK but it would be better if it didn't!


        Jos Medinger

        Tel : 01978 843 962
        Actinic / E-Commerce Hosting, Design & SEO


          This is a shot in the dark, but it might be crashing at the point Actinic tries to update the registry on the new PC with the security settings that are help in 'Housekeeping | Security'. There may be a problem on your PC which is causing Actinic to fail at this point.

          Check the settings in 'Housekeeping | Security' and manually transfer the security details across in a Word doc if necessary.

