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Upload fails and Actinic hangs

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    I have posted a response to a similar question HERE.

    Unfortunately there are countless combinations of operating systems, connections and web servers out there and we cannot test on all of them. We actually need to try out your store on your server to see where the error might be coming from. Once we know this, we can do something about it.


      I would agree with Jan's findings. The only solution that I have found is to start the upload, wait for the inevitable (!) failure, wait long enough for the disconnect and retry messages, and then retry. The upload has gone through fully on three occasions this week using this method.

      Money Saving Eco Friendly Products | UK Dating | Love Horse Dating


        Hi all,
        Actinic has long had problems uploading. I have most times found standalone FTP programs to be much better written and more reliable. They handle timeouts, resumes and connection problems much better.

        Can anyone give us a definitive list of files that could be uploaded by an FTP program? There are good quality FTP programs out there which could be set to upload the site once one has done Advanced, Generate Website. Scripting tools within the FTP program can be used to upload specific files to specific places.

        e.g. Sitefolder\??00000?.p? upload to /cgi-bin
        Sitefolder\SiteHTML\*.html upload to /acatalog

        Otherwise the actinic upload system needs a good overhaul, most good FTP clients work much better, even with troublesome ISP and web host connections.
        Nick Morecroft
        01392 434530
        <A target=_blank href =""></A>
        hosting, search engine optimisation, design and ecommerce



          You will be pleased to hear that we are currently re-writing the entire upload functionality to eliminate these problems.

          The new functionality will be available in the first maintenance release of the next major release.


            Does that mean V7.01? Is there a vague timescale for this next release?
            Nick Morecroft
            01392 434530
            <A target=_blank href =""></A>
            hosting, search engine optimisation, design and ecommerce


              The 'vague' timescale is for the first half of the year. Sorry I cannot be more specific, but don't worry - you're soon going to be bored with use rabbitting on continually about v7. It is looking really good.


                Is there any chance the revised upload could be released as a patch for V6.1.4 to help those who don't get the free upgrade to V7? After all, the revised upload is more of a bug-fix than a new feature.

                Also can I ask a couple of questions/make suggestions about the revised upload and the features:

                1. Could it have a few advanced user options for tweaking uploads;
                e.g. Timeout settings, retry intervals, options for including/not including images with uploads.

                2. Does the system employ resumable uploads?

                3. How about a more dynamic multi-currency system?
                e.g. The online catalog would calculate its foreign currency prices on the fly, using a small bit of cgi and a variable stored in a file. You change your exchange rate in actinic, click an "update exchange rate" button, and the variable is updated in the file on the website. This way one could avoid having to upload all the html pages whenever there is a change in the exchange rate. (I am assuming I am right that this is the way it works )
                Nick Morecroft
                01392 434530
                <A target=_blank href =""></A>
                hosting, search engine optimisation, design and ecommerce


                  3. How about a more dynamic multi-currency system?
                  e.g. The online catalog would calculate its foreign currency prices on the fly, using a small bit of cgi and a variable stored in a file.
                  While this would be fine for logged-in Business customers it would require all pages to come via a cgi script. It's not so useful for the Catalog users who don't need that extra bit of processing and delay.

                  There is an easy way to prevent all those extra page uploads and maintain a current exchange rate. I store such dynamic info in a one line JavaScript file which is loaded in Act_Primary.html

                  e.g. File called exchangerate.js contains:

                  var eurorate = 1.45;

                  And Act_Primary.html contains (in the <HEAD> area):

                  <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="exchangerate.js" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>

                  Actinic will detect this file and upload it for you.

                  Now you can have a single price set in your catalog and use a tiny bit of JavaScript in Act_ProductPrice.html to extract the numeric bit from NETQUOTEVAR:COST and display it multiplied with eurorate.

                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                    I don't know the details of the re-write of the upload, but I will pass your requests onto the development team.


                      Ok, another one to add to the list then:

                      4. Quiet uploads. i.e. no error messages or user interaction required. With the ability to have an upload activity log at the end.
                      Nick Morecroft
                      01392 434530
                      <A target=_blank href =""></A>
                      hosting, search engine optimisation, design and ecommerce


                        I've just been testing Actinic VS FTP client. I can indeed confirm that Actinic is terrible at upload in comparison:

                        Connection: Tiscali ADSL
                        512kbps download
                        288kpbs upload
                        Confirmed to be fast an reliable via
                        (I have also tested this on Telewest/Blueyonder cable internet connection, of the same specs).

                        Win XP Pro, IE6 SP1, patched with Q831167
                        XP dial-up firewall running, port 113 opened.

                        Cobalt RAQ4, fully patched, including extra proftpd timout settings.

                        Actinic V6.1.4 upload:
                        Simple upload and Actinic just hangs every time on uploading .cat files. No response, no network traffic. You need to at least make Actinic responsive even when there is a network hang, so people can cancel the upload without ending the catalog process.

                        FTP upload:
                        Programs tested: FlashFXP V2.1, WS_FTP
                        Uploads all the following files in one go, no hangs, no complaints!!!

                        Regardless of recent timeout issues suspected to be related to Microsoft patches (which shouldn't happen anyway, actinic shouldn't hang on FTP and have to try uploading via HTTP), the fact is that proper FTP programs work, and Actinic doesn't.

                        How about a more definite patch release date for the revised upload system? Or at least a menu option in Actinic to generate site files, then a WS_FTP upload script so we can get the site uploaded using WS_FTP until the upload system is made to work.

                        Sorry to be so abrupt, but for a product that is supposed to be useable by not-so-tecchies, it don't work, and us hosting companies get the brunt end sometimes.
                        Nick Morecroft
                        01392 434530
                        <A target=_blank href =""></A>
                        hosting, search engine optimisation, design and ecommerce



                          This must be very frustrating, especially for a hosting company as well.

                          But Actinic FTP does work. I use it multiple times a day successfully from a Win XP box. I know this doesn't solve your problem, but the multilayered software we all use nowadays is a pig to fault-find.

                          I know that Actinic could change their FTP method, but why do you not imagine that whatever of myriad techiques chosen won't be problematic tomorrow because of some middle-ware component being changed by someone like Microsoft in release 87.3.a.

                          Most of the above discussion suggests that Actinic development have got it wrong and there is a better way - I for one just don't accept that. We have to help the support team with fault finding (where we find fault) and not jump to too many conclusions about "the right way" - there just ain't such a thing!!

                          I earnestly hope that the sufferers get this resolved as soon as possible, and that those (like me admittedly) not suffering, don't then suffer with the "new" solution.



                            I can see both sides of the story here and yes, we can't blame everything on Actinic, but when things don't work and only actinic have control of it then we do need them to fix it.

                            Personally I think using HTTP if FTP doesn't work is a bodge job that just hides any FTP problems. Far better to know there's a problem with FTP and fix it quickly.

                            I've done a quick search on the net and found that some people do have FTP problems when running ICS on WinXP. Is anyone here doing that? I've also seen problems with the XP firewall but that may just be people not knowing what they're doing. Worth trying without these (I use Zone Alarm on 6.1.3 without problems) if only to give Actinic some clues on what might be happening here.


                            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling




                              I use ICS on Win XP and my Actinic FTPs work OK (oh - I already said that

                              I do also always keep my XP (and all MS components) bang up to date using update - Yes I know thats dangerous - whats that I hear, you don't trust your suppliers !



                                I keep all my microsoft stuff up to date too. But's that because there are so many holes in it that I can't take the risk of someone exploiting them.

                                Some stuff I like to see get some solid field use before I upgrade (which is why I'm still on 6.1.3). I'd really like to use 6.1.4, particularly because of the Norton Firewall problem that I know is losing me some business, but I'm just not sure at the moment and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" comes to mind.


                                First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


