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Product Quantities?? - Damsel in Distress

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    Product Quantities?? - Damsel in Distress


    I'm new here and since you all seem to know what you're doing, am hoping you can help. I'm in the process of setting up our on-line store using Actinic Business. Our product is sold in packs of 10 , with discount bands at 2 packs of 10 and 5 packs of 10. I'm trying to find a way of setting this up via 'Prices' in 'Product Details'. The only way I can see to do this is using a unit price with minimum quantities entered of '11' (being the 1st discount band), using the discounted unit price, then on the next row, a min qty 41, with again, a different price, then applying a customer message - 'to be ordered in packs of 10'. Please someone tell me there's an easier way ????? I've tried 'Price Schedules', but not sure that's right either.

    Thanks ever so.


    Hi Sarah

    This looks more complicated than it actually is, so don't panic!
    Here goes....

    Create your new product. Call it "YOUR PRODUCT (Pack of 10)"

    Create a Component for this product (Right click on the product, select "new component" Name it anything you think appropriate.

    Create a second product called "YOUR PRODUCT (individual units)"

    On the "Prices" tab of this product enter the individual unit price (IE: not for a pack of 10, just for one.)

    Click the "+" at top left of the table to add a new line.
    In the Price column add the price for the first discount break, then add the number of units that must be ordered to get that price into the "Min" column. (which would be 20 for 2 x pack of 10)

    Repeat this procedure for each discount break

    Ensure that "can be ordered on-line is checked.
    Ensure that, under the "General" tab, the "Hide on website" box is checked.
    Ensure that, under the "Components" tab, the pricing model is set to "Sum of components Prices", and that the "No Order Line For Main Product" box is checked.

    Click "OK"

    Go back to the component for the first product you created. Double click on it

    In the "Associated product" dropdown, select the second product that you created (Tip: If you have lots of product, drop the window down, then type in the part number for the second product.) When you have located it click on it.

    Check the "Use associated Product Prices", "Use Associated Product Tax" & Use Associated Product Name" boxes.

    Check the "Component As Separate Order Line" box

    Click "Apply" & then "OK"

    I think that should just about do it.

    Steve Robertson


      Hey Steve,
      I just wanted to say this is one of the most concise, helpful and informative threads that I've read
      Well done and thanks

      Jacys Computer Supplies



        On re-reading though I have noticed an ommision. Have corrected (in capitals) below....

        Go back to the component for the first product you created. Double click on it

        In the "Associated product" dropdown, select the second product that you created (Tip: If you have lots of product, drop the window down, then type in the part number for the second product.) When you have located it click on it.

        Check the "Use associated Product Prices", "Use Associated Product Tax" & Use Associated Product Name" boxes.


        Check the "Component As Separate Order Line" box

        Click "Apply" & then "OK"

        Steve Robertson


          Thanks Steve

          I appreciate your help. I was struggling so I'll try again with the additional info.

          Thanks again. Will let you know how I go.


