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Currency display in search result

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    Currency display in search result

    I just uploaded the first version of my new site - still "work in progress".
    I have a problem with the display of search results. The source code includes the short description and price, in the format £xx.xx.
    My browser is displaying a "?" symbol instead of "£"
    This is like ISO character &# 63; instead of &# 163;
    Any ideas??

    I have a similar problem with some products with choices, where I have set the product to £0.00 and defined different prices for each permutation. The price is displayed with the choice HTML, like "choice<BR><B>£5.00</B>". This is also displaying as
    This worked as expected in the offline preview.

    West End Embroidery

    I have sorted the choice display problem by replacing
    choice<BR><B>£5.00</B> with
    choice<BR><B>& #163;5.00</B> (without the space between& and #)
    I still have the problem with search results


      Hi there.

      Can I ask what browser you're using?


        IE explorer.
        Problem seen at home (ME) IE 6.0.2800.1106
        and problems at a friends system (XP Pro), IE 6.0.2800.1106 xpsp2.030422-1633

        It looks OK using IE 5.0.2916 on Win 98.
        and OK on XP pro with IE 6.0.26

        The Home setup also displayed ? in the postage display when I made a trial purchase.


          That is very very odd. I see you are using 6.1.3, and as you can see on the Actinic example store (go to and search for 'flower') which is also on 6.1.3, there are no question marks.

          Can I ask whether you have made any changes to the Perl scripts or to the 'currencies' table in the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' database? If you haven't, then all I can imagine is that it is a server error.


            I agree, it is very odd. I can display your example correctly, but still have problems with my own pages. I have now noticed the prices in the drop down menu are also affected.

            If I view the source of my file, then save it as a search.html in a different location, I can open and view it correctly in IE.

            I have not made any changes to the perl scripts, or the currency database. I do plan to modify the shipping template, to display by cost descending.



              There must be a problem in the actual HTML generation. What operating system are you using?


                My OS is ME 4.90.3000 on the PC used for generation.
                As I mentioned in the first post, the off line preview looked OK with a simple £ in the html, although I couldn't check the search pages at that time.
                I loaded Actinic from a demo disk, before purchasing the boxed CD
                The version is DHBA
                Would it be worth saving a snapshot of the site, then de installing Catalog, and loading again from the boxed CD. Do I need to do anything extra to delete files or clean up the registry?
                Does the snapshot include network settings and modified HTML templates.


                  Would it be worth saving a snapshot of the site, then de installing Catalog, and loading again from the boxed CD. Do I need to do anything extra to delete files or clean up the registry?
                  Does the snapshot include network settings and modified HTML templates.
                  All these are good things to do. The snapshot will contain all modified files, but it is worth also just making a copy of your 'Site1' folder somewhere safe. You don't need to do anything to back up the registry as these details will be included in the snapshot.

                  My suspicion is that we are looking at something to do with Windows Me. Do you have another machine you could try intalling Actinic and importing the snapshot onto?


                    I tried uploading from my office PC (LAN connection to the internet) but the upload was terminated each time. Reading other threads, this may be a known issue with broadband connections.
                    Test uploads using a large file and another FTP client, indicates an upload speed of 4.9Mbps.
                    My hosting supplier is checking to see if I could upload generated files manually.

