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index page

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    index page


    I am having trouble getting rid of my brochure page. I need to know how to have as the index page where its the first page people see when they type in

    I have deleted the brochure page and updated the site but it still shows up. Do I need to delete it off the server?

    Any help appreciated!


    If you want people who type one URL to arrive at another one then you need to do a redirect.

    I believe the correct one is a 301 redirect (permanent redirect) that Google and other search engines will follow and attribute links/pagerank correctly.

    I can't tell you how to do this, bit I'm sure some of the others here will.

    Another option is to create a copy of your acatalog/index.html page at the home page url but it can and does cause problems when you create buy links to products etc.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      You could do a javascipt redirect

      <script Language="JavaScript">

      Google wouldn't follow that link though - so you would need to put some text and a manual link.

      If someone has javascript turned off .... well they would just see a blank page I think.

      It's quite a clever bit of code, go to to see what it does. Notice how huddweb isn't in the address bar, and it isn't in your history - it's useful for sites that don't let you do redirects. I think if your quite quick though you can catch it before it forwards you on.


        Unzip the file attached

        Peter place the attatched file in the public_html folder then remove the 1 so its just called .htaccess.

        Change the file in notepad first to show your domain name
        Attached Files
        Owner of a broken heart


          Hi Gary,

          Tried to open the file but cant. Is it the same as:

          Redirect /index.html

          in a .txt file?

          I tried this and renamed it but didnt work.



            Originally posted by garyhay
            Unzip the file attached

            Peter place the attatched file in the public_html folder then remove the 1 so its just called .htaccess.

            Change the file in notepad first to show your domain name
            I am also doing this to intensegames, not moviestarz, so I put it in the intense folder before acatalog. I have tried both though and neither works for me....

            must be doing something wrong.

            Can you send the text that needs to go in the htaccess file.



              Peter can you e-mail me the password for the FTP so I can have a look.

              file should read

              redirect index.html

              all on one line

              make sure you dont have index.htm and if you do delete it
              Owner of a broken heart

