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Price Schedules failing to implement.

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    Price Schedules failing to implement.

    I've just started the process of setting up Customer Accounts but have run into problems with price schedules.

    I set up a test scedule & test customer account (by following Actinic's program help), but the test price schedule does not seem to be having any affect. When I log into the test customer account all prices still show at the full retail value right the way through the buying process (including protx).

    The price schedule was set at an example 50% discount first:

    price schedule screen

    which was then assigned in the customer account (which has all the fields filled out for Account/Addresses & Buyers:

    customer account

    I've checked the product details to see if they were incorrectly set up, but they look right:

    product details

    I updated to Business 6.1.4 (with no problems) to see if that might cure it, but it doesn't seem to have had any effect.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    This all looks absolutely fine (and thanks for putting up the screenshots - very useful).

    Can you give us a URL with the usernames and passwords to log in please so we can try it for ourselves?


      Hmmm, oddness. I set up another test account for you to give a try along with the original test account:

      catalog url:

      Name: actinics
      Pass: 54321

      Original test account:

      Name: xystonblah
      Pass: 12345

      and uploaded it, now the discounts are taking effect on all of the accounts that I've set up. Strange.

      All seems fine except that on one page (the publications section) here the text trade50 (the price shedule name) appears at the bottom. But only when I'm logged using a customer account, it's fine in the non logged in version.


        I think you have got 'trade50' in the 'Customer Message' field in the 'trade50' row in the the 'Prices' grid.


          Yep, that was it, thanks. I'm not sure why the price shedules started working. The only thing I can think that I did different was got to Advanced/Generate Web Site before uploading after setting up the secound test account.

